
Good for you - I've seen cameras permanently damaged taking a single snapshot of a man welding - If you are willing to cover any and and all costs that may or may not be caused by photographing heat sources, please go right ahead and promise everyone that it is impossible to damage their cameras.

"depending on too many variables to go into right now"


I completely agree with you in every way, and that is why so many countries are beginning to implement legislation against this kind of fraudulent and willfully dishonest behavior, but if Mrs Lady Face wants to make a video and try and tell me that Pig S#!t is Perfume I'm damn well going to call her on it!

Yeah - I live in South Africa... and this s#!t scares the crap out of me.

So you use the exact same ingredients - but you just make the burger WAY WAY BETTER...

Yes... H2O is a simple chemical compound, and can be unnaturally manufactured in a lab using nothing more than elemental gasses.

I know that obviously NOBODY CARES - but the only reason I'm using Firefox is because I DON'T WANT TO USE CHROME.

America goes through millions of liters of "Orange Juice" a year, almost 80% of which has never even seen an orange, and in the case of many of those millions of liters is entirely made of synthetic chemicals & artificial flavourents... how is this any different?

"either that or you curl into a RIM and die"

lol.. ya' know.. actually it does ...

Well as far as sharing bottles, we have a saying over here "Don't start what you cant finish" - now that applies to both your bottle and fights in the parking lot. If you pick it up you had damn well better be intending to finish it.

OK - so I have looked at this image for 10 minutes and cannot see even ONE difference in the layout.. What are you talking about?

These red cups don't exist in my country.

The funny part is that he will be at least 40-ish by 2014 - 2 years from now, assuming he was at least 10 years old in the video, and he looks, talks, and acts almost EXACTLY like any kid today...

My Birthday just reminds me over and over every year how absolutely pathetic my life is, what an utter waste of resource I am, how I have failed to accomplish everything I have ever attempted in my past, and how utterly hopeless my future is.


Even if you where completely retarded and 80% blind that would still NOT look ANYTHING like batman...