
You may have just earned a PHD!

... babies are gross...

+1 To the animator :)

I try to exercise regularly - at least 40 minutes/day, at least 4 days a week, and let me assure you I always feel TERRIBLE afterwards...

Yes... I get paid to be a South African... How else would they get people to live in a country with a relative maximum DSL speed of 4Mbit/s ?

Well sorry to disappoint, you'll get no flames form me.

And thus, as per my opening post - I sit alone in hell... with the free WiFi from upstairs, after being told to go there by every woman I did not want to hate, or cheat on, or punch in the face to prove what a big man I am, which was for me, unfortunately, all of them.

Men With Aggressive Faces Are Secretly Selfless - BUT will still gladly cut off your head, rape your neck stump, and burn your grandmother alive if it will benefit them or their gang in any way what so ever - and are actually even MORE likely to commit horrid atrocities against you if it WILL benefit their gang.

Lol "Exiting from the pipe" is that what thy used to call it?


Well there is also a good chance we don't live in the same place :) - I live VERY far away...

No no.. you HAVE to be a complete douche, you must beat her, be drunk 80% of your life, and tell her she is garbage, hate everything she likes, and cheat on her with all her friends.

"Why Women Date Weaklings"

Good luck growing a watermelon on that...

"Everything You Need to Look Like a Fool Protecting Yourself From the Sun"

+1 :)

Completely wrong.

"infra-red or RF"

Does anyone have any video of one of these in working order?

I think this is fantastic - it's old uncle Darwin at work all over again.