
I work nearby and park in an adjacent lot. I went three times to try and get a good quick spot in line to try and return my rice jersey — all three times ( 8:30am, 11am and 2:30pm) the wait was over 2 hours and some folks told me they stood for 4 hours in line. The amount of people returning their jerseys is simply

How about a moratorium on grommets and sparkly nonsense while we're at it? Please stop ruining perfectly good shirts with this shit, plus size clothing manufacturers. Glitter and the word PARIS will not magically make me thinner.

Oh man. Affordable bras. I spend so much goddamn money on bras. Granted, they're great, but I get so jealous of straight-size women with a jillion bras. Each one of mine is like a freaking investment piece.

Also, not to put the sad on the learning to sew but...I know how to sew, and it's hard to find patterns in plus sizes too. You'd have to also learn pattern making and design.

Where does plus-size go next?

I mean, I like my meat cooked, I'm not a "shave its ass and plate it up" person, but there's a difference between cooked and ashen remains.

They bring the whole fish to his table and our gourmand leaps to his feet knocking over his chair and yells,"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!?"

And just HOW shitty does a piece of "steak" have to be when breading and frying it improves it? I guess? I've never had chicked-fried steak because... no.

when I was a little kid I ordered the shrimp boat while out with my parents. I was so excited. A shrimp boat all to myself. I had plans with that boat. It would sail across the seas in that boat. Imagine my disappointment when it was just a lot of shrimp. Of course I was like 7 at the time.

Ahhh, a red snapper. Mmmmm, very tasty. You can hold on to your red snapper or you can go for what's in the box. This customer should have picked the box.

clearly the crown was misplaced. The ventriloquist and her puppet were the obvious stars

I have a confession: I think Miss Ohio's talent was aDORable

GOD YES. I loved LOVED Fear Street more than Goosebumps. Our school had this reading challenge. Read so many books, get a pizza party for your class..some dumb shit like that. Anyway, I could SAIL through at least two Fear Streets a day. I won our class that damn pizza party and regret nothing.

My inner six-year-old is sofaking stoked. She-Ra was my he-ro.

I imagine in a lot of families, there's also the effect where if a son does anything at all, he is applauded as being so generous and attentive. But no matter how much the daughter does, she gets nit-picked for not doing enough or not doing it exactly right.

Presumably the school doesn't give students the options of setting up internet with another service provider if they live on campus. If they're limiting many students' options in that way, I think there's some responsibility to allow a relative amount of freedom in terms of content accessed.

You kind of buried the lede. "Mansplain" was added.

Heh. I regret not being there when my SO had to explain to his mother what a "shocker" is, after she saw a reference to it on a t-shirt in Virginia Beach.

I literally just gagged.