

This is why I greatly enjoyed that episode of Man vs. Wild that was dedicated to Bear’s main camera man and the rest of the crew. Because holy SHIT does that guy earn his money!

I was telling my friend about this film and he mentioned that some people were comparing it to Fury Road. FR is, in my opinion, a far superior film, but there is one aspect where MI:F wins.

Without revealing the story of this one, Cavill really comes on as the movie goes along. By the end of it you feel like you can’t take your eyes off him.

Now I want a supercut of people describing how much of badass Ethan Hunt is.

Hm, on the other hand, Alec Baldwin told the prime minister of the UK that Ethan Hunt is “the living manifestation of destiny” in his full-on You Ask Me If I Have A God Complex Voice. That’s gotta count for something.

I would like to personally apologize for forgetting the rule that you’re only allowed to like one action movie in your lifetime.

I bet these guys are also salty about people not dressing up for air travel anymore.

And trim those sideburns, Mattingly!

Honestly? Fuck Israel. They don’t belong. We gave them a slice of land, and instead of actually using it, they developed military to push Palestine out of Gaza. What a fucking waste of tax-money; as if hundreds of millions of tax-payer dollars aren’t already being thrown at Pakistan’s dumbass border dispute with

Asian here. Older Asians will take death over using the dishwasher. It doesn’t matter what consumes less.

Clinton was the best Republican president of the last 50 years. Only slightly facetious.

Lets break it down.

- Speeding lets you get some where faster.
- You’re on public streets, so it’s not a race.
- It’s not to save money, as speeding is more expensive in many areas (fuel, wear and tear, tickets)
- It’s not to be cool, because it’s not cool.

What does that leave us with?

Speeding, for the person with poor time management that thinks they’re more important than everyone else.


You would think that middle-aged men should already have their shit sorted out, but no.”

༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ GIVE PULITZER ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ

“he licked aaaaaall the way up my leg and I think you all know what happens when you run out of leg.”

Totally understand where you are coming from, but I actually love it.

This makes me miss my favorite game map ever: the one the player character pulled out in Farcry 2 to mark down points of interest. The fact you could pull it out while driving, but it would impede your view like a real paper map would if you did so... joy. Pure joy.