When Barlog was on Kinda Funny he mentioned that there was a big easter egg at the beginning of the game where it just says that he’s Loki, so it feels like this checks out.
When Barlog was on Kinda Funny he mentioned that there was a big easter egg at the beginning of the game where it just says that he’s Loki, so it feels like this checks out.
So is there a Papa Jr. who will assume the mantle only to sacrifice himself at the moment of maximum poignancy?
Former reporter and editor at the NYDN here. I’ve never worked in a worse place in my life and I used to work in advertising. It was such a toxic, xenophobic and generally abusive place that I quit without having a fallback.
Fake quote. We all know Papa John wouldn’t have said “black people.”
“Poison pill? Isn’t that what the Army gave black people in the ‘40’s?”
This is basically the same thing that happened to Norman Osborne, only if the Green Goblin was a racist, sexual assaulting dickwad who threw shitty pizza at people.
The good news is that many southern states are allowing guns in bars. So now there will be a drunk good guy with a gun to take out the drunk bad guy with a gun.
But let’s not forget the man who gave his life in opposition of that.
“...nabbing him at his parents’ home where he lives in the basement.”
Critic: We should show a modicrum of social responsibility in our games.
You never know what will get people heated these days.
This would also work.
And yet they manage to make new Just Dance games every year and even port them to the Wii!
I’m amazed at how controversial the statement of “If you invent something, you should probably get credit/acknowledgement for it” apparently is, but that’s my fault for once again underestimating Gamers.
Fuck all micro-transactions to hell.
That’s not 27% more likely, that’s 27 times more likely. It’s okay that you got it wrong though, reading comprehension is hard, and Math is just one of those Liberal conspiracies, like most education.
I’ve been to places in the South more integrated and less racist than Chicago.
“Of incidents where use of force was used against a minor, 83% involved black children and 14% involved Latino children during the same time-period, the report notes.”
Chicago might be the most institutionally segregated large city in the US. Whenever I have to go there it feels really bizarre to me. In interacting with the locals, it’s like the white people and the black people have never even MET a person from the other group.
According to police (take this with a grain of salt)