
In other news, 46% of voters believe the mainstream media is lying about Trump:

Paradox: You can tell how much white people hate black people by their lazy tendency to invent new slurs for other groups by adding ______ in front of “n-”, and yet Native Americans suffer more hate crimes than any other race and more interracial sexual violence than any other race, so you’d think white people would

It’s comic-book accurate, in case someone thinks the timing means it can only be a coincidence.

Shit, it’s like that one episode of Good Times when she gets her scholarship threatend for protesting in favor of worker and student rights because the school just doesn’t want to deal with it.

And once again the media normalizes white supremacy and fascism as just one of those things while coming up with ever-evolving newspeak to avoid making white people look like they’re up to crazy-ass shit. Just cutting doggy doors into the discourse so they can slide right up in.

In other news, anyone defending Trump or Weinstein is still a pile of shit.

It’s a lot easier to kill kids than trained paramilitary.

Paul Verhoeven: “I spent 100 million dollars teaching you everything I learned about Nazi occupation as a child, but none of you listened.”

In the original draft, Howard Stark and Justin Hammer were working together to sell weapons to the Ten Rings and Tony Stark was trying to dismantle the weapons and clean up after his corrupt dad. They rewrote them both into Obadiah Stane because the DoD refused to give them free access to weapons and materiel unless

We tried.

Flowers? No, that book’s of mouse and man.

Kanye openly supported Trump then had a massive nervous breakdown. Who knows how far they dropped him into the sunken place?

I prefer Cotdamn.

After discovering the Rick and Morty subreddit, I realized no one hates Rick and Morty fans more than most Rick and Morty fans.

White supremacy is defending the Second Amendment, then if a black man gets shot, asking if he had a gun in the car.


Except for the law-breaking part. You can’t have an effective capitalist system without substantial criminal malfeasance.

Arise ye workers from your slumbers...

“I’m not evil, I’m just weak.”

Some came here for crushing your little head, I came for the reversal move. Thank you!