
The other day I got a wrong number call on my cell - I heard a fake cheery female recorded voice saying "This is a collect call from Washington County jail, will you accept it? The call is from:" and then a really down and dejected male voice saying "Jerry". I just hung up since I doubt Jerry would have wanted to

This is just an excuse for perennially shitty hotel wi-fi, which I've experienced multiple times, all before anyone had iPads.

Try this: set up your router to block your favorite sites, then set its password to something you don't know (via random key-mashing, then squinting while copying and pasting).

Saying that Iris is "sort of like Siri" is like saying that a rollerskate I made myself in 5 minutes by nailing jar lids to a plank is "sort of like" a car. It's silly to compare them at all!

Why does Apple hate their customers?

Time for some haughty fanboy smackdown: The Model II and the CoCo were not the same computer by any stretch (I owned a Model I and a CoCo so I oughta know)...

Come on, us iPhone users aren't rocket scientists, what's this techo-gibberish "folder" thing you're talking about?

I would love it if you could get HBO Go without having to already have HBO. I would be happy to pay monthly for it (but not as much as HBO normally costs), as long as I could watch current HBO shows.

Both of mine are the same and always have been. I use the same ID for iTunes on my desktop, and the app store on my iPad, and the Mobile Me website for Find My iPhone.

WAY too much money for a one-trick pony dedicated device. Stay tuned for an iPhone or Android app that does the same thing for $1.99 in 3-2-1...

I watched the part around 00:18 several times and I don't think the cups are moving; what I think is happening is the camera exposure is changing and the washed-out bright areas of some cups are therefore changing size.

I dunno - I guess if someone had said "imagine what demolishing a bridge that's over a functioning highway looks like", I would have imagined something pretty much like this.

Yeah, I bought a no-name micro USB cable for my droid from eBay, it lasted about a month. I know Apple's prices are highway robbery, but obviously in the world of low-cost accessories, there's a difference between cheap and REALLY CHEAP.

I am amused, not disappoint. Observe:

Because using the Kindle browser without touch is a horrible experience, so nobody uses it that much, so Amazon didn't care about the small amount of 3G traffic it generated.

This post is an editorial (and I disagree with it), not news.

Protip: If you are vomiting pretty violently, aside from not eating or drinking, it also seems like it would be a waste of time and water to try to take a shower. Wait until things calm down first.

Better yet, don't let your cat outside your house, ever. It'll live a longer healthier life (and you'll spend less on the vet), and all the birds outside will also live longer. I know there's disagreement about how many birds are killed by cats, and whether they're feral vs. domestic cats, but no matter what, it's

The article needs to make it clearer that this behavior is from your *lock* screen. If you try this when the phone isn't locked, you *will* see the on-screen volume indicator (but you'll still hear the volume changing).

If you took out the duck face pics, you probably would still find Flickr in the lead.