
Yes, quitting will get you out of your miserable job, but in today's economy, you run a high risk of staying miserable afterwards (either you'll be unemployed, or you'll have to take another miserable job because it's all you can get).

Dear Google - I would like a way to have the Google Play app hide "crapware" so I don't have to constantly see updates for that junk mixed in with updates for apps I actually care about (and folks please don't tell me I can jailbreak to remove crapware - I know that, but it's not worth the trouble just to solve this

Better yet, don't toss them in the fridge, because if you do they'll temporarily heat up what's already in the fridge and make it work harder and use more energy. Instead just let them sit on the counter and cool off.

I doubt it. Ask the average person about Saab and I doubt they'll even have a clue it's defunct. It wasn't front page news for most people.

I can see in one second that this isn't the greatest T-shirt in the world, because it has a logo on the front - I don't like to be a walking ad. It costs too much too - maybe I would pay $30 tops for a tech fabric T-shirt.

I use Go Launcher EX too - before that I used Launcher Pro. I like Go because it's got more features and borrows some nice ideas from iOS (like how folders work). Yes, it has a few more bells & whistles that I need, but they don't get in the way.

I used an under gravel filter for a while and despite all the wonderful things I had heard about them, all it does is basically uses the gravel to strain and catch the poop, so the gravel actually gets pretty nasty after a while...

Let's clarify what we mean by "chemicals" in water... Assuming your cat is alive, it drinks the same water - with chemicals in in it (like chlorine, fluoride, etc.) - that you do.

Anyone who's ever had a fish tank knows this is a joke. It would be impossible to clean algae off the vertical walls of the "continents", and it would look really bad with fish poop (or gravel and fish poop) on the bottom.

This is pure conjecture, so calling it "the new iPhone 2012" is a bit disingenuous, and nitpicking over the details is just silly.

I've tried both Swype and Swiftkey. I feel like I can type faster with Swype, but it drives me crazy when it gets a word wrong, which happens a lot. On the other hand, Swiftkey is a really good solution for a tippy-tappy keyboard, but I don't like that much tippy-tapping.

Giz, you got it all wrong. She was on the phone, but what happened had nothing to do with that.

One thing nobody here has mentioned yet - Iran publicizing this means they are either REALLY stupid, or more likely there was little or no military value in what they've done.

Although I haven't tried this method, I'm guessing it only works (or is only useful to do) on AT&T iPhones which are GSM, so once unlocked you can put in a different carrier's SIM card.

Kind of related - after a rotten couple of months dealing with a family death and a different family illness, I decided to treat myself to a first class ticket home.

Don't worry... Figuring out how the game works is part of the work of expanding your IQ! JK... it definitely is a poorly designed UI.

It would be amusing (and effective) if totally disrobing in airports to protest the TSA became a "thing".

Obviously real, don't even understand why there is a question here - except it does resemble (in looks anyway) that fake robo-cat from some old TV show (I don't remember which).

A few handy things the article should have added:

I'm sure this is a real problem, but it's being oversold.