
Wow. I figured this out when I was like 8 years old. What's next for clever uses? Using a towel to dry yourself after you get out of the shower?

Even though this scans in 3D, it still outputs plain old 2D images. It's basically a machine that is designed to automatically create good-looking pictures of objects that you put on top of it. Useful for some people no doubt, but not what most of us would think of as a real 3D scanner.

I don't have problems tying my shoes, so I don't see much need for these. On the other hand, I would pay THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS for a real hoverboard - even though I would probably break every bone in my body trying to ride it.

This isn't a hologram. It's a 2-D (flat) video being projected onto a human-shaped screen. I've actually seen a similar thing done at a museum where they projected a film onto a 3-D mannequin - that's not a hologram either, but at least it's kinda 3-D (it was also extremely creepy).

Newsflash: If you think texting is too expensive, don't text - use some kind of Internet-based IM system instead. There are a ton of apps for that.

Even if WebOS lives on in other hardware, I think it's pretty unlikely you'll see any future updates for the TouchPad. They wouldn't come from HP, and who knows how feasible/likely it is that some kindly devs would do it instead (like Cyanogen for Android). You're also very unlikely to see any new apps or app updates,

I'm pretty sure that all it takes for a side effect to get listed for any prescription drug is whether enough people on the drug report that side effect; there's no need for any evidence that the drug and the effect are linked (because getting that evidence is likely impossible or at best very expensive and time

There could be many different reasons that explain why most Android users don't use many apps; "most of the apps... are complete garbage" is only one possible explanation.

The "What?" should be for "What's the point of making a post about this?". If you had followed the link in the tweet (one whole click, I know it's tough...) you would see that it's a link to a couple of articles (from today), which are basically talking about how Google probably won't take advantage of it's Motorola

He only needs two tools: A right testicle, and a matching one on the left.

Wow. What better way to remember your loving companion than by turning them into a soon-to-be-obsolete, practically disposable item like a USB key?

I guess it could be handy for the right kind of family. I just need something simpler for shared shopping lists. So far I'm really happy with the Our Groceries app; it works on iOS, Android, and BB - and even has a web interface. The nicest thing about it is that it syncs across devices in almost real time as you add

According to the USDA website, when cooking fish you want the internal temperature to reach 145F. Less than that and you risk not killing harmful microorganisms that may be present (but it's worth noting that fish *usually* is less likely to be contaminated than meat).

Here's a trick I use to avoid needing to buy or use a battery tester: Step 1. Buy disposable batteries. Step 2. Put them in something and use it until it stops working. Step 3. Dispose of disposable batteries.

It seems like a lot of stuff on Craigslist is overpriced and/or in bad shape.

If you used this with TMZ, what would you end up with? Just a blank page?

There's nothing new about blocking stolen phones. Any time you report a phone stolen or a retailer/manufacturer does, the phone gets blocked and just won't work anymore. This is true for GSM phones which have SIM cards and also for CDMA phones which don't.

Unfortunately this app (and probably other similar apps) is incompatible with battery saver apps like Juice Defender. I think this is because it doesn't allow the phone to drop the WiFi connection, which is what battery saving apps like to do sometimes.

Maybe the process is a bit gross, but the results don't seem weird; after all they're pressing a _cooked_ duck that's already had a few of the more icky parts removed, and they're straining what comes out. What you end up with is basically duck soup, except more concentrated.

Cool, but...