
Actually I would vote for Monster cables as the biggest tech scam. That's because people are actually wasting money on them now - they aren't just vaporware.

@rashad123us: Also, if being able to talk and surf simultaneously was really a big deal, I doubt Verizon would have gotten as far as they have with all of their Android phones - none of which can do this.

@Kaiser-Machead: I'm 99% sure that Verizon's pricing for iPhone data plans will be the same as for their other smartphones. In other words, $15/month for 150MB data, or $30/month for unlimited data. Of course voice and texts are extra.

News flash: Verizon drops calls too. Calls that are dropped before they go through are fairly common, maybe every week or so. Calls that are dropped in the middle of the call are less frequent, but still happen, maybe every couple of months.

Guess what? If a movie costs $300 and comes with glasses that you can't use, DON'T BUY IT.

@Gregsaw: I've used both, I like Swype better. No specific reason really stands out, it just seems like Swype looks better and works more smoothly.

@cyberguy91: You were right! For some reason the language choice in the download page defaulted to Bulgarian (because it's the first item in the language list).

It's odd that the Microsoft page doesn't mention v2. Anyway, the upgrade worked on my Win7 32-bit system, but when I tried it on my Win7 64-bit system, I got a dialog in Russian! Too bad I can't read it, but obviously I didn't proceed with the install at that point.

I tried this app out before... wish it had an option to only stumble to mobile sites.

People don't need more storage - they need less stuff. If you find yourself bolting plastic boxes to the ceiling, it's probably time to reevaluate your life priorities.

I stopped using Chrome when I got Firefox again on my work machine and realized that I really, really missed an expanding/collapsing bookmarks sidebar!

It's kind of fun to use this to compose random text using *only* the predicted next word, repeatedly.

She's not too good at computers, but he's not too good at tech support either.

Whey get an N router when none of my stuff is N-compatible? I figure in a couple of years once I've upgraded a few things and they're majority N, then I'll spring for a new N router.

Nice idea, but not fully baked yet! I have a brand new Toshiba laptop with Windows 7 home premium and a synaptics touchpad, but this didn't work reliably - could never get the gesture recognition to start with a 3-finger tap, and even simpler stuff like 2-finger scrolling sometimes worked, sometimes didn't.

The title of this article is a bit misleading - Google isn't dropping Safari support overall; just dropping support for Gears in Safari.

Jalopnik, I think what we all want to read is an actual description of what happens to Woz's Prius, and how he can make it occur. I'm assuming he's already told you, and that makes me curious as to why you haven't told your readers...

I've been using Workrave. It's similar (and free), but when it's time for a break, it displays a cute anime character that shows you stretching and eye exercises.

Freeware with timed shutdown with lots of options: