
omg dude, “homosexuality and heterosexuality” refer to SEX, NOT gender. it’s literally in the words!! 

Gender is a construct. You’re talking about ‘sex’ being assigned at birth, and it’s not being ‘assigned’ (unless you are intersex, and intersex ≠ trans) .. it’s observed. Please stop conflating gender with sex, they are not the same.

“I mean if a person’s sole reason for not wanting to be in a relationship with a trans person is because that person is trans, then yeah, it’s pretty transphobic.”

isn’t non-binary the antithesis of trans? trans as in transitioning between two sexes (gender is a construct) and non-binary is choosing to not identify within those two sexes at all (which actually doesn’t make sense when you really think about it) ... but thoughts that non-binary just reinforces society’s gender

“As a society, we know that teenagers go through phases of clothing and hairstyles and hobbies and musical preferences, and that has practically no bearing on how they turn out as adults.”

“As a society, we know that teenagers go through phases of clothing and hairstyles and hobbies and musical preferences, and that has practically no bearing on how they turn out as adults.”

“As a society, we know that teenagers go through phases of clothing and hairstyles and hobbies and musical preferences, and that has practically no bearing on how they turn out as adults.”

lol Sophia Amoruso and her #girlboss platform (which is essentially the same as this) is gonna be pissssssed

Girlboss name is absolutely atrocious. Amoruso should have nixed that immediately

Jez why are all the comments that are rightly critical of this article greyed out? Please allow differing points of view to be un-greyed so we can have a productive conversation. That said, I agree with the greyed out comments that this article seems oddly misguided


“Prostitution is not work,” said Dorchen Leidholdt, director of the Center for Battered Women’s Legal Services at Sanctuary for Families, on Monday. “Prostitution is not an economic solution to their economic needs.”

I don’t think womb transplant would be successful on trans women as my from understanding, their body would not have the ability to grow a placenta (a whole new organ the body creates! so wild)

Why is Mortal Dictata always the top commenter in these posts?

AGREED. I don’t like it but I’m a realist I recognize this is a battle not worth fighting. The future of our country is at stake. Lest we forget that Trump stated yesterday he is “saving [a Surpreme Court nominee] for Ginsburg”. Let’s not lose sight here folks.

idk idk this is circular firing squad is starting to feel like perfect being the enemy of good

nope they sure don’t, wish someone would push them a bit more on that. A lot of “standing in solidarity” but not many actual solutions or plans for once revolution is over

This is 100% set up by Mama Jenner. I’m sure they paid Jordyn a hefty fee in order to have a cover to cut Tristan loose while making Khloe look sympathetic

I think some lesbians are concerned about their spaces disappearing. I read that a lesbian workshop was cancelled at a women’s-focused festival because trans-activists felt it was no inclusive to them. Is that a black and white situation? Who was correct?

damn I hope you give each and everyone of them a pointed and sassy response they’ll never forget