
yes, an important distinction that is often overlooked in that case

are you joking? yeah buddy, they are both abuse. sickening you can’t see that

yup, sounds like a hetero white male to me!

the word of his exes mean literally nothing

but some women are also called TERFs because they refuse to sleep with a woman who has a penis. That’s f’ed up and unacceptable.

Edit: it’s Rachelle Vinberg

oat milk is delicious!! I highly recommend it in a latte. I haven’t been able to go back to dairy since I had it

Unpopular opinion: Westworld is NOT good, and we are all playing into HBO’s hand by making a big deal out of it so they have a cash cow after GOT ends. This show and it’s writing is not as smart as they want us to think it is.

same. she’ll fade away in a year or two. She’s unfortunately not a good actress

As someone who has worked in the art world for over a decade, this article is actually infuriating in both it’s tone deafness and flippancy. Why do they bother to post articles regarding the art world if they aren’t going to put a modicum of research and effort into finding a relevant/meaningful story.

Is this article satire? I sure hope so. There are a lot of relevant conversations actually happening in the art world regarding #metoo and this is not one of them. Good job completely missing the mark on this one Jez

you think Renoir created “activist” paintings?

It seems you’re focused on being “skeeved out” by Medmen’s “sterilized” weed shopping experience (why is that an issue? I’ve enjoyed my shopping experiences there for that exact reason) and but in reality you’re upset with the general fact that people of color sit in jail while white people are creating successful

Mac McClelland did a similar report YEARS ago for Mother Jones. Seems absolutely nothing has changed.

Sophia Amoruso? Oh right, the woman who fired pregnant women from her company. I’ll pass, thanks.

Yes, I feel the same way. I love her writing, it’s lyrical and concise, but dripping in unspoken but obvious wealth. I also made the mistake of trying to read Slouching Towards Bethlehem right after I finished the Autiobiography of Malcolm X. Needless to say, I didn’t get very far.

Say what you will about their father, but I met Barbara on the street a few months ago in NYC and chatted very briefly. She was LOVELY and so sweet (very small too). She said I almost made her cry when I thanked her for being a vocal supporter of PP.

really really tired of “Perfect is the enemy of good” in this context. You know what else isn’t helping? This article.

sigh, I want to be in that alternate timeline

Jesus H. Christ did he snort some bath salts in the bathroom?