
Eh. Doesn’t everybody “sell their body” or “sell their brain” to work though? I agree she cannot control people’s response to her nudity but I don’t thing casting her as “immoral” makes much sense either.

People, please start believing that health care IS the miracle God sent you.

The word modesty in this context still makes me slightly barfy, though.

the superior tweet (this better show up)

china just dishing out pandas as gifts is my favorite thing about china

“Let me tell you a story...” is when Bernie Sanders sounds the MOST like my actual (Jewish) Zayde. It’s a little eerie.

The silence is deafening, eh? That’s a cold ass room to play to, which makes it all the more impressive, I think.

Someone else on twitter said the same thing. Jesus fucking christ.

I’m watching the fucker on live tv at UCF - protesters being dragged from the building. Lovely. He’s a POS.

That’s not the comparison. Trump is being compared to the pre-elected Hitler. Because of the many similarities, it’s being suggested that Trump may turn out to be as bad as Hitler if he’s given the power of the presidency, not that he already is.

There are those who can spot and call out the devious sociopaths, devoid of human empathy each and every time. This trait is often observable and is in fact different from the norm. It doesn’t take decades of retrospective privelege to identify. There were obviously some people who guessed each and every atrocity

He was the stupid puppet with folks nearly as bad as Hitler propping him up. That will go down in history as one of the worst political regimes in this country’s existence. Hyperbole or not. Hate-filled fear mongers have no place as political leaders in any country.

You are comparing a racist to a mass murderer!

Thanks for validating my feelings. I always hesitate to make any comparison to Hitler (who was seen as ridiculous by most of Germany for far too long).

In the biz, we call them narcissists. Or sociopaths.

But balance sounds so fair! It’s only right that we elect some folks to make our country a little bit better, and then give the other folks who want to make it worse a turn. We have to balance good public policy with bad! That’s just common sense.

So much THIS. The idea of taking turns democracy? This isn’t kindergarten games. This is one side stating “we’ll take away the rights of anyone not like us, invade the reproductive choices of women, poison the environment and resources for profit, and blunder our way into more wars - which we are already using an

we need balance.

Now playing

Ohmyglob. That’s just horrible. Here’s something to make us feel better:

I hate cats when they are all moist and rubbery like that. This is a terrible cat.