
I know it was probably ghost-written but was it...good?

Yeah people who call themselves Yeezus and their kid Saint and claim they’re the best artist to ever exist ever are being ironic/trolling or patently delusional with serious emotional issues. Kanye’s the latter. Fame fucks some people UP.

Oh god I'm sorry

So much feeling. Feels so real, even if this delivery feels sooo much older than 17/18 yrs older (sounds like a forty year old singing flashy blues in Cabaret!)

I’m excited for this if skeptical. Funny they’re still staying true to casting actors wayyyy too old for HS.

Ugh. Is it too much to ask that they cast someone who grew up working class or bears any resemblance to Patti at all? I know it’s acting but patti came from very little economically and it’d be nice not to have another silver spooner in such a role.

This is pretty damning evidence of needing to work twice as hard as the boys to be taken seriously, since you’re twice as penalized for fucking up (and ignored twice as much for your contributions). It’s hard math, btw.

Why not a cool mil? How do they come up with these numbers?


Shorts look awful on me too for similar reason - and you just reminded me that I actually had a dream last night that I had four perfect-fitting shorts hanging in my closet...woah. I can't do most skirts unless thick fabric and a-line or fitted, and dresses same. Being big all over on bottom makes clothing so

Haha I get a lot of attention in the U.S. - a small waist, big booty, and conventionally attractive features (that’s just the case :/ ) seem to inspire that - but it’s usually weird, borderline fetishizing attention I don’t want. Rail thin with wide hips/butt seem to inspire comments (and sometimes ass pats). I don’t


This is nowhere near obese. Ads have warped your perception of normal. Do you complain about the anorexic, nutrient-deficient size zeros? And even if you do...this is not obese!

I wasn’t pretending. I do not think this is “over”weight. Are you the arbiter here? If she’s within a healthy BMI - which she probably is - then she’s not too heavy. We’ve gotten used to seeing rail thin models, but I highly doubt her body is anything extreme.

This is not news.

She is not overweight.

I have a small waist big butt and huge hips and no breasts and my body seems constantly shocking to people (they make comments.) not sure how to love when I feel it's not private :/

She is GORGeous. Like “bubba hubba” hot (forgive me saying this if she's super young!) Although of course still an hourglass because that seems to be the rule. There are still rules.


She was always like this. How are people not remembering???!!!