
Her delivery is very, very good. You can't steal that.

And I’m sure you’re a diamond tiara.

Wow that's a very specific (and very good) joke! Our brains are all connected. It's almost like we belong to a community of humans in a shared culture or something.

People really look for any excuse to cut this woman down. Holy eff. What is our problem?

I don’t really see those sex stories as either of their material. They’re like urban legends that belong to no one. It’s what you do with them that counts. Patrice’s delivery was rapey. He thought the stories themselves were funny, which is upsetting. Schumer acknowledged the rapeyness of them and turned *that* into

I don’t really see those sex stories as either of their material. They’re like urban legends that belong to no one. It’s what you do with them that counts. Patrice’s delivery was rapey. He thought the stories themselves were funny, which is upsetting. Schumer acknowledged the rapeyness of them and turned *that* into

I don’t really see those sex stories as either of their material. They’re like urban legends that belong to no one. It’s what you do with them that counts. Patrice’s delivery was rapey. He thought the stories themselves were funny, which is upsetting. Schumer acknowledged the rapeyness of them and turned *that* into

Um, I hate/feel ashamed of my body and it’s because of these sorts of constant comments. So, not gonna just not worry all the sudden.

Again, thanks to contributing parties for shitting on my body type. I already feel like I “don’t match” and by body is “ridiculous,” so this really helps with me constant self-consciousness that makes me want to jump off a bridge. Cheers.

As a fit girl with a bit bottom, thanks for helping unleashing my self-consciousness Bodies don’t always “match,” yo. Pear shapes are a thing. As are the reverse.

“Filed to white people.”

This is kinda hitting me right in the ovaries right now. I’m a content editor/writer/marketer for a tech company. Would I rather be editing at a magazine? Yes. 100% yes. But I also like to put food on the table.

Get out. Just go, now. You are on permanent time-out in the corner while the rest of us consume delicious, delicious ice cream cake.

Does this include her pushing don’t ask don’t tell and forcing military personnel to stay in the closet during her “marriage is between a man and a woman years?”

Ditto but I might be like really into it and kinda grossed out at once. Bellies kinda freak me out during sex.

I love his silly stoner laugh. It is so warm. I’m not sure if I’d come to resent it if I lived with him - like one of those quirks that’s super adorable until he forgets to take out the trash and then it's annoying af.

My ex boyfriends tech company takes them on a like this every year. I went with them last year (chef, cleaning staff, four infinity-like pools, overlooking beach). They seemed so blase about the whole thing. Ah, entitled young tech wealth...

Except I doubt she paid for this. Or th I stay was underwritten by AirBnB for her Insta ad for them. There was a post on this just today, I believe.

Linda Perry writes modern pop hits. Don’t think it’s a case of lawns but pure bitterness. Always a battle for authenticity in the music industry.

These events seem tiring. At some pt (and age), you go with what you know works. And it works.