
I would still say that because it’s playful and how I speak and tease...can’t take complete responsibility for how it lands.

Heheh. Twitter’s “Style Guide” is “140 characters, style be damned.”

I wish you could tell tone on the internet...

English language, English rules...

Do you also put an apostrophe in a plural and make it nonsensically possessive, e.g., “Dog’s are cool?” Do you just follow the rabble? Would you jump off a bridge if the rest were doing it? Are you a FOOL?

Rainn: people need to stop placing punctuation outside quotation marks. I thought you were better than this!

When people generally say “you’d prefer X?” They mean it as a leading question and are generally setting up a kind of rhetorical trap by defining X in a way the original person never even suggested. It’s a straw man trap, period. So, no, I wouldn’t prefer they whitewashed this or pretended women of color didn’t raise


Don't put words in my mouth.

I hope not. Jesus.

Ahhhh, you did it again!

I assumed they were and thought that part was cool. Still felt a little odd watching to white women point out their nannies of color on some level (even if this part wasn’t meant to be played for comedic effect). But I know it wasn’t intended to hurt.

*“your art,”

Some men really and truly hate women and do not see them as people.

That'd do it.

I’m pretty sure they acknowledge this regularly, though a line about it would have been nice. Otherwise, this is beyond awesome — educating people that it takes a village (including, yes, nannies) is a big deal.

Brilliant, hilarious, and adorable but you have a “non-sexual” crush?

A MPDG isn’t just a quirky woman; it’s someone who is that way to further the character arc of a man (to help him find himself).

Where do you get “mean girl” except for that one stupid offhand diarrhea-mouth comment about Lindsay? She seems perfectly nice to me.
