Bavetta's Scars

Congratulations to Drew! I knew Emmitt would eventually hire a pro social media guy!

I ‘member that movie! Does anyone know if Luke Weil is closing in on a White House position?

“Could be worse.”

Day late and buck short, friend, but in the greater context of the broadcast you’re spot-on. He and Maddow later had an exchange that can be boiled down to, “we get it, your missiles make cool parabolas. Now send us some video that will actually show us something newsworthy.”

Of course they lost! No way Kevin Love can defend the alt-right fascist postmoves of Richard Spencer, especially his inimitable anti-DREAM shake.

Luckily, the row behind the Sixers’ bench is already set up to acccomodate seven footers in street clothes.

“Hey Dan, it’s me Jimmy. I got this McKenna guy calling me up and asking around. Any pointers on how to deal with him?”

I want to agree with you, but you love pants so you obviously are poor at matters of opinion.

As a guy whose handle references a ref, I get it.

Inchoate fascist, indeed.

Huh. I’ve always thought Duncan never missed with Banks.

Wait. Harriet Beecher Stowe’s sister was a Hooker?

I thought I read about this yesterday.

I’m just glad ANA Inspiration isn’t a tumblr glorifying eating disorders.


I’m interested! Any rec’d readings?

Right. Great that it gives them an outlet and funds their clubs. Bad that the main event is seeing who’s brave enough to grab a chip off a bull’s forehead.

When I talked to one of the workers, he said something like, “it’s Burl’s world, and we just live in it.” It may be different now, but I doubt it.

Oh yes. And they have gumbo. And handicrafts to buy. And monkeys riding dogs.