Bavarian Gingerbread Person

That Southern plantation wants its upholstery and drapes back.

I think all those overly-preserved bimbo types look like drag queens. Whether it’s the Republican Party leadership or Fox News or the Trump Wives or the Real Housewives, they all look like they’re trying to imitate a grotesquely exaggerated version of femininity. It’s distasteful and unpleasant to look at.

So how long before takeoff did Fat Bastard admit he couldn’t fit in his suit and they’d have to get a rental?

Melania looks like she’s trying to be a drag queen and failing hard at it.

“12 months spent undergoing hormone therapy”

Fucking chortling over “and A Small Pickle.”

He’s just cranky because he’s outside his bubble, out in the big wide world, where Faux News isn’t classified as news because it isn’t news.

God, why do we have to export this man? Can we not? Can we send him to an abandoned studio set and say it’s England? He wouldn’t be able to tell the difference.

Fashion dictates. 

You'd think someone at some point would see the writing on the wall that they were going to be executed and just say "fuck it" and try and assassinate him, see how many of his closest associates actually bought into the cause or were just terrified of him and hope for the latter.

Considering that this particular moron may cause thousands upon thousands of deaths, I’d be ok with the KJU method for him.

This is what you get when you let someone accustomed to applying their “Art of the Deal” tactics to Monopoly games, play in the real world: humans die.

I mean even Mariah Carey can get hers to bounce to the catcher

And yet there’s no memorial dedicated to the millions of men and women who died in the Star Wars.

Remember when people used to say the devil made them do it? At least that has a certain grandeur - the personification of all evilness and cruelty, creation’s twisted shadow, the Prince of Lies, the Lord of Hell itself, made me do it.

All killed by the guy sitting in the middle. 

I live in a place full of (white) college educated people who *also* demand respect on the basis of their privileges, fortunate educations, and personal taste. The grammar policing, the virtue signalling, the differentiating themselves from the others through professional/managerial status markers, particularly

This comment is better and more informed than the article.