The Bavarian Barbarian

I think they are referring to exiting driveways and parking garages. That long low front lip could be problematic if Ford has not done their due diligence in engineering.

Egret remains unchanged, however.

MPGs? Really?

Can you see it?

I wish it was like water bottles, where they give you the option to just finish the whole thing there. LIke perhaps a special smoke it all away room, like the smokers lounges in Atlanta airport. Keeps weed legal, lowers stress, makes sleeping on flights easy, increases sales of snacks in the terminal, also provides

"...wife are doing."

"I like to do silly little things for people, make them laugh. I usually put this little guy in here. Fits right in there. Here's what I do, put a price tag on him. Forty grand. Nobody's gonna pay forty grand for him. I hope to fuck they're not, anyway."

Yes. Those photos are the textbook definition of "under control".

The real culprit


Luckily, there are a lot of good, down-to-earth kids whose parents told them "no" enough, and who understand there's plenty of people who have it a lot worse than them, and they need to be thankful for the roof over their heads. Like my two awesome kids raised in Dallas.

"I've seen tighter, but that'll do."

Well don't act high and mighty about someone else's driving when you don't know what the fuck you are talking about. You were literally judging the guy based on completely false pretenses.

RAF spokesman stated:

It's Lupus.

Gotta support your team man.

Only if you are an Argentinian. To everyone else it is quite funny.

here in America we have 18 wheeler semi trucks delivering goods to every corner of the country. Have you seen one take a right turn in a 12 foot lane? Not everyone drives shitty micro cars. Perhaps you would feel more at home in Italy riding a scooter so you can feel the wind on your vagina.

Now if only our bigger cars could have that attention to detail dohohohohoho.

Just a suggestion....the Lions need to actually achieve something before you earn the right to start brag-posting about them. That franchise is a dumpster fire.