The Bavarian Barbarian

Really? You're going to use this as a platform to deride drunk college "elitists" and claim this was motivated by hatred of the poor? Because I'm sure that is how it went down. "Theodore, look upon this plebeian chariot. It disgusts me. We must flip it."

I doubt this had anything to do with the fact that it was a car sharing car. It could have been any smart car. Drunk idiots that's it.

The people of Flagstaff would disagree with your assessment.

They don't make 'em like they used too anymore. Bonnie and Clyde's Ford:

$20 says this is just like that fake tennis ball car-unlocker from a few years.

Utter fucking cock. He didn't "leave in a huff," he was forced out by Marchionne. Get your facts straight before posting clickbait headlines or go back to masturbating over Saabs.

There's a little more to it than that. Autosport ran a great analysis of the details in their paid section. It's not like if you're charged with any crime, you can just pay a fine and get off. The amount is based off of your income so it's not a case of if you're rich you get off, is substantial, applies to

I'm really bothered by this: "and has had their life ruined" line in your comment. He didn't have his life ruined, dude. He ruined his own life. It didn't happen to him, he did it. That type of passive language implies that someone else did him wrong by throwing him in prison for a really idiotic decision he made that

only pussies and christians say two wrongs don't make a right.

If someone killing your kids is the first wrong, then killing them sure as shit does make it a little more right if you ask me.

I missed the QOTD yesterday, but I feel the new NSX should be on this list. It's been EIGHT YEARS, and it STILL hasn't gone to production yet. It's been so long that no one is talking about it anymore. They ran a Super Bowl commercial two years ago, you would have thought production was right around the corner. The

Pretty sure that's a Lambo, dude.

This is a high quality comment.

It's kinda like masturbating with your other hand.

"This is a car most brands would never bring to market," Dodge CEO Tim Kuniskis said. "This is a car that you absolutely cannot build a business case for. But sometimes, you need to stop listening to the focus groups. Sometimes you need to build a car that defines itself."

While these things are usually worthless, I would at least like to see the president forced to address this utterly stupid policy, reversal or no.

Unfortunately, the automaker lobby has a lot more cash and influence than the Skyline hoon lobby.

That is not how government works.
This is how government works.
Just rent some members of congress and then things will happen.

If you do a '360', aren't you facing the same direction both before and after?

I am complete against violence against police officers. Never do I condone it. Never do I wish it upon police.