The Bavarian Barbarian

And if you refuse your car has to be taken to the side lane to be inspected.

How about putting the TSA in charge of the line to get in...

I've got one better. Toll booths every few hundred yards, with no easy pass lanes. It'll double as additional funding to keep the track alive for everyone's misery.

I hope they get raped in court, fucking lowlifes. I got so angry and this isn't even my car...

Not when you go #2

Neutral: Forget price fixing, how about we Eliminate the chicken tax, ban corn ethanol in gas, and declare cash for clunkers a big mistake and subsidize people for buying older, more fiscally responsible cars.

James May disapproves of such testing.


Save yourselves the trouble and make your word processor always auto-correct "Miata" to "S2000".

Lucky the feds have that whole southern border thing under control and can waste their time on hyper important things. Good job ICE!!

If only there were some way to settle this. Two racing cars with similarly matched performance, both in need of a racing series with some representative competition… nope, I can't think of anything.

Damn right the Pacific Northwest is paradisiacal

"By the time it was off the ground it was too late to abort the takeoff."

Hey Ford, you want an iconic tail design *cough cough*

My god, I read question no. 11 and accidentally skipped to the answer to question no. 12. For a minute I thought this guy was a raging bigot.

Now that you live in Philadelphia, how will you make jokes based on looking down on other locations in America? It, by definition, will be impossible.

Obviously, NASCAR fans would handle disappointment much better if it were the other way around.

First picture: excite. Click through:

Ferrari Enzo Ferrari Enzo Ferrari Enzo Ferrari Enzo Ferrari Enzo Ferrari Enzo Ferrari Enzo Ferrari Enzo Ferrari Enzo Ferrari Enzo Ferrari Enzo Ferrari Enzo Ferrari Enzo Ferrari Enzo Ferrari