The Bavarian Barbarian

What I’d like to believe is that the F-35 program is actually wildely successful, and what we have “seen” is just smoke and mirrors to make it look like we aren’t ready for anything, while being able to hold off sending other countries their orders. At least that’s how I keep the insanity at bay when you hear the

They completely blew it by not playing the Imperial March...

These guys are going to have the coolest profile pictures

Keyless entry and start broke 2 years ago on my car and i just dont see the point of fixing it until i have to sell the car. One piece of useful tech is a back-up camera, it makes parallel parking infinitely easier. Not necessary but that’s the only “extra” tech i’d tick off in the options section

the extinquisjer nearly decapitated Pryce. The fact his car didn't kill anybody is remarkable as well.

It didn’t sell because a wrx was still better value. We wanted something that was still cheaper than a wrx. Either that or something more powerful to justify the asking price. Toyota wanted too much $ for it, and thats why it has failed.

Mclaren also needs to back an F1 team and a staff I’d imagine is bigger than both Pagani amd Koenigsegg put together. I’m even hoping they go down even further and fight the 911.

That's extremely narrow-minded... Build just a $1m car... Insane

c-c-c-combo breaker!

audi RS5. I dont get why it isnt an option when the S5 has a manual option.

the jury only decides whether or not the law was broken, not if it is a just law. Its the legal system, not the justice system.

meanwhile other people have "lifelong debilitating" whiplash from a 10mph crash.

because 99% of their video content wont be uploaded higher than 1080p 60fps anyway. DSLR makes a million times more sense than pure video in the car scene.

There is a beige Grand Caravan as well, driving in the East Bay in Northern California. I was hoping it was for a street view, because then my car will be in it :)

Hey. There are still 5 days left for Burnie Ecclestone to kick the bucket. Leave #1 open just in case...

actually the peanut butter is a flawless method if you seal the "saftey seal" with super glue. And dont put foil in it... This guy mustve been big time stoned.

"I better move this body before somebody gets hurt"

I was pushed out of the weong vagina, got adopted and ended up with wealthy parents. I had the came-from-nothing-made-all-our-own-money-from-hard-work parents who thought thats just how you grow up. But unlike them, my paycheck at 16 didnt have to go to feeding the family, I got to learn about earning, spending, and

Almost all of those are audi

This actually makes more sense than BMWs "new" scheme. At least Merc didnt separate their coupes and sedans, then proceed to make a sedan version of all their coupes anyway and keep the same name for it, which anymore doesnt even represent the engine size under the hood. And all companies, Audi has by far an away the