
"Plays SS but lack of fluid mobility will limit prospect here."



No one gives a shit about your new-age sabermetrics babble, bro. What's the pitcher's ERA?

Say what?

That girls so racist throwing her face into that other girls fist like that

It seems appropriate that something this garish and ugly is called a Jersey.

Yeah, that's why Jay Leno blows.

Chester later said by "other countries" he means Ohio and Tennessee. When told those were states, Chester stated he was never good with Geology.

The kid also got a picture with AJ McCarron. Look at the ridiculous sweatshirt AJ's wearing. That's gotta be the dumbest shit he's ever put on his chest.

It's a shame Trent Richardson couldn't play—he'd prove, once and for all, that these colors really don't run.

it's hard not to see that Kidd got everything he wanted, only to realize it wasn't what he wanted at all.

He took such a moral stand that he still voted Winston second? That doesn't make much sense.

I'm not surprised. Melo would never pass up the chance to take a shot at someone.

"♬ Want Iman? Want Iman? Want a mighty mighty good Iman? ♬"

If someone doesn't star you out of the grey soon, just let me know and I will personally be outraged about it.

Woman on left, Marge Schott??

You should get a HOF nominee for this this .gif.

Albert, Can you please make sure Tom Scocca can never post a ranking list about food sauces ever again plz.

It's cool and all, don't get me wrong, but my favorite UNC-related vegetable still has to be Dean Smith.