
They made a good match with Calvin Johnson, Brandon Marshall, Rob Gronkowski in the starting lineup.

Welker's teamed up with Aaron Hernandez and Rae Carruth. I feel good about OJ as my flex.

The WNBA season is over? That means it's time for Gold Rush: Alaska to come back!

Neither is my starting running back tandem of Adrian Peterson and Ray Rice.

This is completely false. He still has Florio.

How far can Deadspin punt a football?

Great info.

In what may be my only serious post on Deadspin in the time I've been here, I'll go ahead and add that as a practicing attorney in Indiana, I've pled multiple clients with similar offenses to similar punishments in multiple counties with multiple prosecutors. This is as standard as it gets.

"I could beat four more women for that, so long as one was a midget!"

What the hell, this isn't real football...WHY ARE YOU USING YOUR FEET!?!?!?!

Farther than Chris Kluwe.



The Deputy Mayor's last words were "I Surinder".

Brazilian halftime speech: "Was it over when the Germans bombed Mineirão?"

Kobe meat always contains a higher level of fat.

The question wasn't asked during the Eagles chat because it was being saved for the Deadspin office chat.