The idea of “survival mode” in the article and your summary is not supported by the evidence. Your body didn’t evolve to waste energy, and doesn’t magically burn less calories doing the same things. Here is the evidence from the article
The idea of “survival mode” in the article and your summary is not supported by the evidence. Your body didn’t evolve to waste energy, and doesn’t magically burn less calories doing the same things. Here is the evidence from the article
So this is one thing that doesn’t cause balding, but doesn’t make it clear what does cause it. The medical name for it is androgenetic alopecia or male pattern baldness. People with it have a gene that causes certain hair follicles (ones in the pattern) to respond differently to dihydrotestosterone than hairs usually…
Ot. I’d like to bitch about the proliferation of (lousy) beards.
Imo a lot of guys out there haven’t earned them, and the worst of them think that scraggly-wino is the cool look. It isn’t.
But it is true that wearing a hat all the time will make you a douchebag.
Find a workplacce that has a union. That is the best way. The union, for all they get bitched about, will have your back and probably has a good healthcare clause that allows you time away before you burn out. If your workplace doesn’t have a union, then try and start one. Unions are not the devil, they are a good…
A good friend of mine had the same procedure and died from a hospital infection. I say that not to criticize you or scare the OP, but to again express how much I hate this illness for taking a wonderful friend and person.
The last thing you should do if someone prods at your income is “call them on it”. You will not avoid sounding pretentious. Enjoying the fruits of your hard work? Because I dont work hard?
The problem with articles like this is that people like Tony Crabbe think the human brain is a machine that can be hacked or tweaked to make it more efficient, ignoring the fact that feelings of hopelessness and being overwhelmed are symptoms that the brain uses to tell us that we’re spiraling toward mental…
I would add that blank time or down time is not necessarily wasted time. It’s like space itself. Space does not have to be occupied by something. Good designers will say the same.
I’m going to suggest something almost too simple and obvious but I expect the results will be amazing: scrambled eggs. I know, I know, you’d like something crazy like Snickers bars or Rueben sandwiches but hear me out. I expect if we can get the right combination of eggs & cheese & temp & time, this will be the most…
This. When I send work to coworkers to critique, nothing is worse than a generic "looks good!"
I find the “invisible jerk off” is an effective gesture to show apathy or mocking. Plus, it’s good for chuckles with those in the conference room when an unwitting participant has called in on the speakerphone.
I believe 164 BCE was also the last time a Buffalo sports team was in the playoffs.
Great advice. I hope my post didn’t come off as telling people never to pursue their hobbies as careers. I merely wanted to give my personal input as to how it worked out for me.
Exactly! People will always disagree, but that doesn’t have to lead to emotionally charged, tense situations where nothing is resolved.
And cargo shorts with ponytail swishing.
Author’s name sounds like cheat code.