
Anyone in or just out of college should follow news about the Fed rate religiously.

Right now I’m trying the “snowball” method of paying off my credit cards. Basically, you start with the card that has the lowest balance and pay a flat rate on it until it gets paid off. Pay the same amount each month, regardless of the minimum payment (I’m doing $100). Then, once you get that paid off, add whatever

It’s interesting to go over someone else’s classical music list, as it indicates one’s preferences and background. This one demonstrates a preference for string and piano weighted towards the Classical - Romanticism periods.

First thing you have to do, is remove the mentality that you are or are not “worth” something. Salaries are pretty frequently very arbitrary within a range.

Interesting stuff! I’m reminded of a quote by T.H. White:

Wake up, sheeple!

I disagree.

If you and I agreed on everything, then one of us is useless.

Yep! Although most personal finance writers (including myself) talk up the DIY strategy, a pro can really break the research down for you in basic terms. Plus, for a lot of people, picking up the phone to make an appointment is less intimidating than trying to read a bunch of fine print with opening up an IRA. Of

As a former TA, I am pretty sure you’re missing a step. Which is “Show up to the TA’s prep session and ask them to teach you the course”. I spent weeks twiddling my thumbs waiting for any of the 1300 students in the class to show up to my help sessions and then they’d all show up the week before the exam having not

Some think that being poor is simple. You don’t have enough money to buy a lot of stuff, so you’re forced to buy

Oh goodness, yes... We get it! You have “things to do.” I mean, they’re probably not important things that will impact the company or themselves for the better in any way, but that’s fine. I’ll be over here not being stressed and getting twice as much done.

Bingo. Always slam dunk your touchdowns.

Stop trying to science up drinking, Internet. How many beers does it take until i get drunk? I don’t know, and I’ll never find out because i drink until i see triple, hear double, and end up single, naked, and afraid of Walmart greeters- which is convenient since i usually start out as all of those things. Now, get

good advice, although most applicable if you already are good at said passion. If you’re still learning/developing that passion, you might need to invest a little more time, but an hour a day is a great start!

Thanks! I’m glad for the good (hard) news. If I can remember, I’ll respond in a few weeks with further thoughts.

Thanks for linking this article. My wife and I started “calorie counting” this week (and tracking protein, sodium, water intake, and serving sizes using a handy google sheet I built). I’ve never really tried this before, but the impetus was a significantly more active summer than we’ve ever had before, but a lower

Readers answer “alcohol” to nearly every question I ask. I’m starting to worry about you guys.
