
Sooooooooooooooo.....25 minutes after reading this article, i’ll be back to work?

I want to hug.

And a turbo drift crazy through jump combo!

Use the battery operated mattress inflator to stoke your campfire if you have to deal with damp wood.

This something I’ve been working on for a long time, and with little result. My problem is a matter of comfort level with my conversation partner. I am always annoyed when people repeat themselves, which is often in small talk. My knee jerk reaction is to get them moving onto either more detail, a reason, analysis, or

I can see how telling someone “spend less than you earn” can be unhelpful advice if you’re trying to get that person to be smarter with money, much like saying to someone who’s overweight that losing weight is simply a matter of “calories in versus calories out.” However, I never really saw it as advice but rather as

To start: I think a lot of this is really true. Just like saying “eat less and move more”, there’s a lot more to becoming financially independent, and giving that advice to someone is usually done so in a glib and douchey fashion. The people who need advice don’t need to be told this—they already know it. They need to

Yeah. I’d much rather sit in front of a screen, actively ignoring the important people in my life instead of interacting with them.

Fuck as much as you can get it, because one day you won’t be able to...

You’re right, data is typically no match for any kind of physical addiction or malady.

Why? Because it doesn’t conform to pre-conceived stereotypes? This is exactly why he have studies like this.

There are two types of things in my universe: things in my pockets and things that are lost.

I have more than one chin which one should I measure from?

I was told something similar by an extremely well-qualified personal trainer. Cheat meals are a temporary indulgence and a reward for a week of disciplined diet and exercise. Cheat days are an excuse to binge that completely unravel the progress you made all week. You can do a lot more damage in a day than you think.