
Single-stream recycling is much more feasible when the contamination target is 25%, now that China has specified 0.5% as the target, it is going to be very hard to do that when we have been trained to just dump everything into one bin.  Aluminum will still get recycled at 99% but likely we are in for quite a few years

In Dallas, the Perot Museum of Nature & Science is awesome. I use the excuse of taking my kid there, but mostly I just want to see everything! It’s world class.

The initial smell is funky enough to be off putting a lot of times, but I really like the idea of incorporating it early as a secret umami weapon. Thanks!

Its amazing how little nudges that draw from familiarity can make things intuitive. When helping her send a text, I once asked my granny Su Su to tell me what she saw on her cell phone to try and have her understand whether she was connected to wifi or not. With all the icons, symbols, apps, and notifications on the

Its been hard to see the other side of saving. When do you stop saving? When is it enough to actually trade savings for... life?

I can see 16 year old me (i.e. the worst) doubling down on my hissy fit if someone told me to “settle my glitter”.

This seems so silly to me.  Don’t tickle kids you don’t know without permission for sure, but your own kids?  Really?  I tickle them, throw them in the air, hug them, kiss them and squeeze them constantly.  As their parent, I already asked my own permission, and the answer was, HELL YES.

What was really hard for me was realizing that each of us has to choose what gives our life meaning. In school every grade, action, assignment has a clear meaning - do this work, get this result. After school, life is meaningless until you attach meaning to something. 

I feel you there.  

At some point used to have trust in institutions, and they could leverage that trust to get us to go along with things we didn’t necessarily understand well. Institutions used to lie to us also, but at least they could be influenced to bring them back to the reality. Now you can pick whatever lie makes you feel the

answer: Nope!  Any picture you take is not private.  Assume if you take a picture the whole world can see it!

I totally agree! There is no “this is the right way to get your baby to sleep”. There’s lots of techniques to try, and you should try them all en route to what is actually going to work, which is some random combination that no one can predict.   This is also going to change as your child grows, which is happening

Great point!

Yep, side effects similar to caffeine, sometimes have trouble getting to sleep, sometimes I get jittery.  Sometimes when its fading in the evenings I'm grumpy.  

Talking about salary is important, especially early in your career.  The opportunities to make a jump in salary are few, so its critical you maximize each one.  Knowing the context for what you can ask is absolutely key.  Don’t just randomly ask people at work how much they make, but do ask people you are friends with

Just like anything its a balance. Sometimes you get to let them go where they need to, gently guiding their leaves towards the sun... and sometimes you have to smack the shit out of them and say grow this way or I’m cutting it off!  I like the gardener metaphor, but you aren’t the gardener you are the sun!  Shine

Adderall 15mg 1x daily

I have ADHD and am a manager at a tech company. On days I don’t take my medication I get absolutely 0% done. Like on those days even staring at my belly button is a chore. With it, I’m a productive guy that at least has done well enough to be promotive a few times.

Buying a house was crazy stressful. My wife(32f) and I (34m) took basically all of our savings (but not retirement money in 401ks) and put it down as a down payment to get to 20%. The house we got had multiple offers so and the deciding factor was ability to close in 13 days, so having the loan pre-clearance and the

Money doesn’t make you happy, but it does prevent things that would absolutely make you unhappy. No one who is starving to death is happy, no one who can’t pay rent, or can’t care for their family, or pay for their healthcare is happy. After you have enough money to protect yourself from things that will make you