
As a random American who was invited to a Russian family’s party I totally agree.  The 65 year old hostess greeted me at the door with a shot of vodka, the family was full of talented musicians, philosophers, storytellers, and everyone was drunk out of their minds and entertaining as hell.  It was the kind of

Not true at all. Tesla had profit of $311.5 million in Q3 of this year.

One thing this is missing is that Tesla is the most shorted stock ever. Even before any “erratic behavior” from Musk, there were lots of institutional investors betting on Tesla failing, and pushing that narrative hard to get the stock lower. All you hear about Tesla is doom and gloom, or FUD (fear, uncertainty,

One way you can think of it is that life is all work. Your job, your partner, your kids, YOU, your dog, the house... they all need your attention and work. You already spend at least half your time on your job, if any other of those things is important to you, you have to make time work on it also. Your bosses love

What it comes down to is that your life can be amazing at any age, it can also get amazing at any age. I partied through my whole twenties, and was a worthless (I sure was fun though) 28 year old. I went back to school, finished at 31 and am a productive member of society with a wife, job, kid, house, and take care

Agreed, its a minor feature that sits purely in the nice to have category. Doesn’t enter into the decision making process at all for me on whether to buy or not.

So I have a windows laptop which came with a touchscreen that I also thought was an extra useless gimmick. It turns out it is an extra mildly useful gimmick. I often find myself swiping to scroll instead of reaching for the touchpad, tapping to play or pause videos instead of reaching for keyboard, touchpad, or

The pee before hand gives you a solid head start.  Molecules of drug slowly trickle from your blood and lymph into your urine, so your pee after waiting all night will have a much higher concentration that your pee after waiting 1 hour.  Wake up, pee, drink water pee again, drink water and then go do your test.  I’m

Doctors and hospitals try and bill you for as much as possible because they know your insurance is trying to pay them as little as possible, and NOBODY cares that you have to pay for the difference.

Unfortunately doctors and hospitals have no idea what it is going to cost either. They do an ever changing dance with your particular insurance company for how much they feel like paying for that particular procedure at that particular time for your particular condition.  In the end the insurance companies are the

It’s heartbreaking that we are governed by such backward ideals, and that this sort of ridiculous system is necessary for people to access healthcare.  On the other hand I’m thankful that someone has put in the time to find a workaround to the theocratic laws in most red states.  Thank you for the information.

Any solution that involves putting kids in cages is wrong. Any person or group who puts kids in cages is the bad guy.

The problem is that evangelical christians in the US vote Republican, even when their representatives are putting children in cages. I’m not sure where in the Bible it says “Hate the immigrant, jail his children”. 

The ONLY way to deal with conspiracy theorists is to double down. Vaccines cause autism? I KNOW and they do it because they are made for a round earth, while ours is flat! Moon landing wasn’t real? OF COURSE it wasn’t, the moon isn’t even real!! NASA created a fake moon in the 60s and the government re-wrote

Thanks for the article. Its hard to overstate how addictive opioids are, 1 in 5 people prescribed a 10 day supply will still be using after a year

For profit healthcare at its best. Demand for healthcare is pretty close to infinite, meaning to save your life you would be willing to pay all the money you have, so prices can be infinite too! For non-life threatening diseases, prices are just high enough that you are miserable... either health-wise or

Thank you for taking the time on this ridiculous endeavor!  It’s further proof that Russia is a strange and wondrous place where making sense is not a priority.  Enjoy your meat tubes!

Here is the indication for use that the Apple Watch is cleared for by the FDA (emphasis mine):

Me and my wife both work full time, she has a side business selling her paintings, and I’m executor of an estate thats taking an extra 15h a week probably for the next year. We have a 3 year old who goes to pre-k from 8:30-2:30, grandma who lives 2 miles away takes him from 2:30-5:00 weekdays. We have a baby sitter

People on a normal (bad for you) American diet are usually over nourished which has a different set of problems, but being undernourished as a kid is bad.