
The internet was a mistake

I’ve narrowed down the things that make and keep me happy to 4 main things. Health, financial stability, committed relationships with friends and family, and work that makes me proud of myself. In middle age it is really f’ing hard to get all of these going at once. In my 20's this involved studying, working,

Grief is tough because it is more like a broken arm than hurt feelings. With a broken arm you can put on a brave face, grin and bear it, just get over it, but you still aren’t picking up a box with two hands. Same for grief, you can be tough but you are injured. You have to heal first, that takes time, and

Also, thank people for compliments!  Everyone hates - “Oh you look great today!” “No I’m so fat and ugly”.  False modesty is dumb, just say thank you!

My Dad’s test to see whether you are ready or not to buy a (sail)boat.

I have really been struggling. I’ve realized I’m not strong enough or flexible enough in my hips and ankles to do even a bodyweight squat with good form. I’m starting from scratch with trying to have great form squatting just 3/4 and sitting on a bench, and lowering the bench each week. It’s a great exercise but

Here’s a simple example. You hold a legal but controversial political opinion, that the US government does not share. You are arrested at a peaceful protest and the police now have your phone, which has all of your contacts, people that hold similar opinions, and all of your discussions about this opinion. Would

I agree that sunscreen is good, and I have a hunch that lotion sunscreens are better than spray sunscreen also, but shouldn’t the science editor write an article that is more... science based? It would be reassuring if even in your opinion blogs, your opinions were informed by evidence rather than relying on a single

I sailed across the Atlantic, and in the middle of the ocean you only have access to what you bring with you, and what you can keep alive for a few weeks.

Certainly it doesn’t always work, but it is a skill to be practiced, and you can improve your control.  The key idea is that you can either project responsibility for your emotions on others “they made me so mad!” or take responsibility for them “I am angry after hearing their words”.  One of them pretends that the

Yes! One time I was taking a group meditation class from a Buddhist nun in a basement in Hoboken, NJ and she said this same idea as the group meditated quietly. “If someone says something ugly to you, choose to not get angry as it is your anger and your choice.” From the back someone responded (since we were in

This is great advice! My wife is currently going through this as an artist, and has carved out 6-7am to work on her painting, every day.  It sucks to get up early all the time, and it means she’s either going to bed early or sleep deprived, but it’s working and she loves it.

How lucky we were to have someone who dedicated his whole life to educating children not for fame, or for money or for ego. He just wanted to spread knowledge and security as far as he could.

I read this article while procrastinating for my 1:30 meeting. I will try and stuff them all in one day in the future!

They do! Every year! But why just charge the consumer more for service, when you can also charge them more for content you didn’t create? and why just charge the consumer when you can also charge the content creators?

What happens next?!? Innovation!! As in, innovating ways to make you pay more for phone, video, and data.

I’m curious as to why you think this law was passed? I think it is an attempt to get less people to vote, consistent with our history of passing laws to limit voting.

There is nothing you can trust more than a corporation pursuing its financial interests. No corporation is your friend, but in this case Apple’s financial interest and my privacy interest are aligned! While that remains true I have full faith in Apple that it will crush all opposition in pursuit of my privacy and my

These are all great tips and the 5% really is how you hold on to the last 5% of your sanity with kids and work. Regardless of your strategy though it is a beatdown. Setting aside time from work so you can work on your little bundle of joy/monster/monster of joy. Sometimes it’s a rewarding beatdown.