
This is an awesome slide show. So much info, and really interesting insight into how the internet landscape is developing, and really how the world is developing.

Agreed, this is the innovation we are paying for! But just to set the record straight we are way overpaying. Every major US drug company spends more on Marketing than R&D. We are paying for them to develop new drugs, but we are paying MORE for them to make money.

It really does work, but for modern day politics our perspectives are so far apart that “seeing things from the other side” feels like a betrayal in and of itself. If someone, from your perspective, is the devil incarnate, why would you ever entertain the idea that they might have something to teach you?

Staying healthy is work! In the US, maintaining a healthy weight, keeping in compliance with prescriptions, and securing your retirement are all part time jobs, but with huge penalties for not getting them done. Not everyone has the time, money, or skillset to address all 3, all the time. Unfortunately it just adds

I just lost my Dad, and he had 800 people at his funeral. I got 800 condolences. There is definitely a right and a wrong way to go about it. Don’t ask me to validate your feelings, or come up with something you can help me with. Do listen attentively, without saying f’ing anything, if I have feelings to dump on

This is awesome thank you!

Also alcohol, all drugs, eating too much, watching too much TV, spending too much time on your phone. spending too much time in the sun. The government should really step in.

They do their job well as a stand in for former drinkers who have the habits but no longer want to have the alcohol. I didn’t drink for 2017, and these shitty NA beers tasted fine after about 6 months of prohibition. Was nice to go through the motions of drinking a beer, even if the flavors are sub par and the buzz

Paying attention to your phone is literally the easiest thing to do in any situation. This year my wife and I are trying leaving the phones on the entry table whenever we are home. If you want the phone you have to awkwardly stand in the doorway. In any given moment its frustrating to not have the option to retreat

I’d love to see this exact same study re-run on humans and see if there is any difference. After all who can resist a well presented perineum?

As the article says as a lone wolf you really do have to adopt strategies to stay sane or you will end up in a sad lonely rut.

My 94 year old grandfather smoked cigarettes from ages 12-80, so cigarettes are they key to longevity. Just kidding! I think the social side of alcohol is more pertinent to their longevity than anything else, but if I make it to 90 I’ll double down on the fireball shots just in case.

This was an intent-to-treat study. They prescribed a keto diet, but found that most people could not sustainably eat at the 20g carbs/day level. This is clinicians trying to study how best to treat obesity. They aren’t saying what Low Carb diet’s effects are, they are saying what prescribing a Low Carb diet results

Also if you eat 50% less cheesecake it has half the calories, so then you can eat twice as much!

Humans are selfish as hell. Being loved is neat, but its someone else doing the loving, and we don’t really care about someone else. Loving however is magical! It’s us doing the loving, and what is more important than us?!? Give yourself opportunities to love! Friends, family, pets, love on them and see how good

To be specific - you can learn to use Deep Learning tools in a year. These tools are incredibly powerful and getting better by the day. I’d highly recommend checking them out. You can use these tools to make powerful and accurate classifiers and solve really interesting problems (Object recognition, location, image

It’s simple. Are you a coffee drinker? Or a coffee user?

Some hidden gems:

As a parent in Texas, the demographics of major city school districts was a huge shock: Dallas: 95.1% minority, Houston: 92.4% minority, San Antonio: 98% minority.

Even without screens I would ignore my kids for 30-90 minutes per day. The only extra problem with screens is that it makes it EASIER to ignore them! If I start ignoring them 4, 6, 12 hours a day their “psychological well-being in terms of caregiver attachment, resilience, curiosity, and positive affect” would