
I was wrong! Looks like location changes can and will restart a killed app on iOS.

It is difficult to capture the idea of neural networks in a way that makes sense to a layperson, since people in general don’t spend all their time with algorithms and statistics. However, I feel that some of the comparisons in the article add confusion over what NN are and what they are not.

I think a big missing one on this list is to just say - I don’t know. - A frank admission that you don’t know some information makes you seem very confident and trustworthy, even it means you don’t know the information the questions is looking for. As with many skills, knowing what you don’t know can be just as

Teasing can be great for friendships, romantic or not! They do require a lot of confidence in the relationship on both sides though. If one person isn’t sure that you mean it lovingly, it can come off as just straight up mean. I think it is my duty as a friend to tease everyone around me. How else would people

Two places where i’ve been slapped in the face by in-group overconfidence: Ping-pong and Smash Bros. I would play and play and play against the same 5 people, and get really good, win every game, and hear oh you’re so good at ping pong, baudboi is the best at Smash Bros! Then after a long time in my bubble, I

I agree, we’ve entered a media era where everyone can find their own “facts” or “fact checking” to support any opinion. I think NPR still is a source that is more closely tethered to reality than most, even if their promotion of the arts and the idea of public good makes them liberal in today’s environment.

So do you have any basis for the charge against NPR you threw in there? Did you see any evidence of bias in this article?

Can I just say I F’n love soup. SOUP IS THE BEST!

In my opinion self-awareness is the key to happiness. How many people have that friend that says “Oh I’m so laid back” when they are the most particular person on the planet? People without it are often confused as to how to make themselves and others happy. It takes effort to learn about who you are and to

Good friend of mine just had his colon removed due to Crohn’s. Was an extensive, invasive procedure, followed a few months later by an even more extensive, more invasive procedure to make a j-pouch. He is now completely cured and feels amazing though. If other treatments aren’t working this could be an option.

Also, the “gift tax”  I think is generally very misunderstood. A person receiving a gift from family (not employer or other company) never has to pay any taxes on it, whether its less than 14,000 or more than 50 million. The 14,000 number is the the gift tax exemption. Which says that if you give someone a gift of

As a sailor, it’s funny to see that called out directly in the article. I did 4hrs on 4hrs off for 21 days on a sailing trip across the Atlantic. I definitely got used to it, but found that each 4 hour on period was like a mini day - wake up sleepy, food and coffee and feel wide awake, work my shift like normal, eat

This is such a powerful perspective. It represents a clear line between Confidence and Arrogance. Arrogance is being confident with no reason to be, where confidence is a real understanding of what it means to fail or succeed in a given situation. Both give the appearance of a self-assured and capable person who

Section 4 of this article is so spot on it hurts. I work in a regulated industry, so everything is process centric, and every process is documented and has documents that are created. Most times the process is a paperwork exercise that gets in the way and wastes time. Rarely though, when the the planets align and the

Certainly it’s always dangerous to stray too far from reality, and into fantasy, but you are already telling yourself a story about your past, and your future. Why not make it less requiem for a dream and more trainspotting? Especially if it helps you in the future to align your goals in a way that lets you steal

Good advice. I also like to structure my emails like this:

Kind of crazy to think of how little impact fact checking has on people’s opinions. With the internet where everyone can find their own set of facts to believe, reality takes a backseat to ideology. Partisanship means that people have picked a team, and really are just going to go with the team regardless of any

That just the thing, Sweden, it doesn’t matter. The first impression isn’t really about you, it’s about them.

This can be so liberating. Maximizing and perfecting served me well in school, but for everything else it’s just paralyzing! I even got to the point where I got stressed out playing videogames because, what if I missed an item? What if quest #6 out of 3000 could have given me 3 more gold oh god! I finally learned

I love thinking like this. It also keeps you confident in your abilities. The hard way is often how you had to do it when you didn’t know what you were doing and were just starting out. If you keep up your confidence in being able to do things the hard way, you keep up that confidence you can do that new scary task