
From what I’ve seen hard work is just one piece of the puzzle. Someone has the authority to promote you, you need to seem productive to them, and convince them that they should. You can do this by overwhelming them with your productivity and ability to make their job easier, or through sucking up to them like

My four are:

Just a followup note from the developer side, for apps in doze mode if the developer tries to wake the app or service using a regular alarm, the wake is deferred until the next maintenance window (approximately 1 per hour). However there is a setExactAndAllowWhileIdle() alarm that will wake the app even if it is in

Love it, it also makes me think, what are the personality traits that work best for relationships other than friendship? Just because someone is a good friend doesn’t mean they are a good as a roomate, or co-worker, or boss, or even parent. I guess each of those have different personality traits that help them work

As true as this is, what we all really want is to be Biff and go back in time so we can be rich and get with your mom.

If someone actually takes the time to do a professional critique of your work and overcomes the awkwardness of being the bearer of bad news... PAY ATTENTION. It’s not often that you get clues on which direction to head, and negative feedback can be a great source of info on what you should be focusing on, and where

Defaults are basically the only way I ever reach a goal. My goldfish-like will power and concentration lasts all of 15 seconds, but defaults are forever. I was spending too much, and then I made my default savings 25% direct deposit into a different account. My spending has dropped and my attitude has changed, and my

The toughest thing about side gigs is competition. If you are doing something part-time, that you picked up as a hobby, how do you compete with someone who is all in? Make sure that the market you are in is local enough, so you are only competing with those in your immediate surroundings, or niche enough that people

I love the reminder about how easy it is to justify your own actions, tendencies and indeed shortcomings. It would be nice to think that the smarter and more experienced you are you would naturally avoid doing it, but I’ve found its just the opposite. The smarter you are the more elaborate your justifications become!

If you can do this consistently, ideally you can get to place where you have productive arguments. Not no arguments, because there will always be things to disagree about, but arguments where you actually reach a resolution instead of just falling back on the emotional cycle of every argument you’ve ever had.

So the superhero movie that kicked off the whole Marvel studio renaissance was Iron Man. The crazy part of Iron Man? It’s not an action movie. It has a bare minimum of action scenes, with the rest of the movie being a character study on Tony Downy Jr. You actually fall in love with the flawed, arrogant, and brilliant

It certainly varies widely by manager, and by the organization as a whole, but in my experience these ratings are tied to compensation, and so directly correspond to how much they need to pay to keep you. Are you a so-so employee or have been here forever? Average rating, average raise. Do you suck and they want to

Not directed at me, but I also did cancer research at M.D. Anderson. The part of this argument that has never made sense to me, is the assumption that a Big Pharma company that made a cure would not also make a ridiculous amount of money. I understand that treatments of chronic diseases are big money makers, but cures

Again a great example of presenting “evidence”! I have certainly never handled classified information before, and am relying on FBI Director Comey’s statement as a primary source for information on the FBI’s investigation and decision to not recommend prosecution. The article you referenced presents the “evidence”

Exactly! The full quote from FBI Director James Comey is:

This really identifies how people come to believe in something. Even the echo chamber bubbles you mention follow the three rules mentioned. Take Fox News for example: Present anything you like as evidence, say it persistently, 100 times a day for years, and empathize with your angry, fearful, older, and predominantly

So true. My wife just changed careers from a well-paying job she hated, to a medium-paying job she absolutely loves. Having the security of an emergency fund was a huge part of making a 40% pay cut a tolerable risk to take.

When I was poor and broke I learned this lesson the hard way. I ALWAYS turn this “feature” off as it really is nothing more than a trap to stick it to poor people. It’s so much better to have the card declined than to rack up huge fees. Before the law was changed a few years ago, (thanks CFPB!) banks could charge even

Hilarious that you have a chill pill avatar while advocating for ridiculous draconian biking rules. Wheelies are super fun, and no I won’t get off your lawn.

The big thing with most supplements is that they have amazing health benefits if you are deficient in that nutrient. If you have an even moderately balanced diet you are probably not deficient in many nutrients so the supplements are mostly just fun cabinet candy with little extra benefit.