
It’s such a sticky problem because there are so many variables with our body, that it’s hard to separate the weight loss signal from the noise. Humans don’t really like uncertainty, and will jump on simple, reductionist answers to problems with a lot of unknowns. These fad diets all play on that and give simple

If you are punishing just because the behavior makes you mad, but it’s not changing the behavior, guess what, you are going to be mad and your child punished over and over again. If it’s not working, then maybe extra attention should be paid to the things mentioned in the article - what situation happens before the

Argh!!! I was planning to use this loophole today to eat fast food (which I’ve “given up”). Now I’m just going to have to munch on an apple like an animal. Thanks, Lifehacker.

The only saving grace for landlords when things go wrong like this, is that they are a tax write-off. The cost to repair rental properties can lower your taxes that year by a very significant amount.

Not quite. They can pull off the shredded (encrypted) device data at any time. It’s useless to them, just like the shredded document is.

The best analogy I’ve heard for this is as follows:

For me it seems it’s mostly because we let them get away with it. Imagine if you screamed and yelled at your new friend. Boom, bye bye new friend. If you yell at your partner? Oh sorry I’ll do better next time, lets go back to staring at our phones on the couch together. If you had someone who was great and fun and

The seductive beauty of procrastination is that it works 90% of the time. Almost always, you CAN do it later, with minimal consequences. However! 1 out of 10 times you are totally screwed by having wasted the opportunity to work on it ahead of time, and there is no going back.

“vaccines are a false flag operation to indoctrinate our dogs into ISIS”

This is key. Confidence doesn’t come from success, Arrogance does. How many teams go on to repeat championships? I’m sure they all feel like the second time should be a breeze, but you never work as hard after the success. Confidence comes not from success, but from overcoming failure. Knowing that you could fail, but

Worse things have happened to better people.

Just a note, you need Xcode 7.1 or higher if you want to put this on a device with iOS 9.1

This is great advice, I got a financial advisor as I knew nothing about investing, and he walked me through the setup of all the basic accounts, and put together a retirement and investment plan. In working with him over a few years, I learned a ton about investing, and even about how continuing to work with him was

It’s also possible that they are empathetic, but less sympathetic. Getting through a tough time might be like, yeah that sucked real, bad and I know exactly how you feel, get over it like I did. I’ve felt this before, and it kinda goes along with how we hate to see our own weaknesses and struggles in other people. I

I thought it was supposed to be:

Just a note, these apps are working exactly as designed. Remember, if you aren’t paying for a product, you are the product. All of these background processes are tracking you and that data is sold to advertisers. It would be nice if they were a little more battery efficient while they followed your every move, true,

Ever been to Auto Zone, O’Reilly’s or Napa Auto Parts? Everyone there is a regular person trying to save a few bucks by buying the parts themselves. Ever wonder why these stores are always in the hood? Poor people already do all their own maintenance, it’s still expensive.

The hilarious part of hiccup remedies is that hiccups just go away on their own. Let’s say you had hiccups and they were going to go away no matter what in 5 minutes. Minute 1 you try a handstand, minute two you try lemon wedges, minute three you scare yourself, minute four your hold your breath, minute five you try

Just like hibernating bears, make sure to build up a nice Tappen to hold in all the savings.

Let’s remember though, the other half of the battle is violence! (Also an effective but not recommended way to settle political arguments ^_^)