
Mind = blown.

On top of this visual insight into body language and demeanor is also valuable! Ever had conference calls with someone who had a thick accent, and you ended up thinking they were an idiot? Then you go on to meet them in person and seeing their body language and interaction gives you a whole new perspective on their

Any and every loan needs collateral. With a bank that collateral is your credit, or an asset like a car or house. With friends and family? that collateral is your relationship. Lending money to friends and family is putting your relationship on the line, every time. If you can afford it, just give the money away, if

Great Article! The part about lying is tricky though, as it does represent a high-risk, high-reward situation. You should lie about “fit” and “passion” in basically every interview. Oh I use the product every day and your meaningless corporatespeak values really inspire me as I too am passionate about leveraging

I have an unpopular opinion. Add MSG to this and it goes from being yummy to amazing. I swear you put that stuff on every day food and people think you are Gordon Ramsey-Lagasse-Puck. I know MSG is the worst thing since vaccines, but damn it tastes good!

Love this tip. I recently went through the recruiting process, and ended up not taking the job, but this would have been a great way to get additional insight into the role and team. Will definitely use next time!

My favorite line in this article is High-Performers are Strategists. Not all work is worth going the extra mile on. If you are consistently good enough, and when all eyes are on you, you put in the extra effort you can make huge leaps in status at work. It’s a bad strategy to slack off or think you can get away with

Remember, everything mental is at the same time physical. Mental disorders are just as physical as bone diseases, even if we have a hard time realizing it. Just as you can learn walk with a knee brace, you can learn to treat and strengthen your ability to cope with a mental illness, but the illness is no less real

I learned this backwards, and learned it from drinking. Naturally I’m socially anxious and found that I only was able to communicate with random people after a few drinks. Was I suddenly getting more handsome and more charming after a couple shots? Unlikely. Mostly I had just stopped deciding what to say and just

So.....while I agree you probably don’t need to sterilize these types of devices, basically everything you’ve said in this comment is wrong. You sterilize equipment in general to prevent colonies of harmful bacteria which have grown on a surface from interacting with humans. Bacteria present in a baby’s mouth, hands,

I don’t think it even needs to rise to the level of passion, just a little enthusiasm will do. That’s kind of what small talk is right? Probing until you find a topic that generates some mutual enthusiasm. Nice weather we’re having. Oh yeah, beautiful, would be a good day for delousing zebras. Oh! you’re into zebra

The first step for me in improving my family relationships was independence. Independence starts with financial independence, if they don’t have control or input on your finances, that cuts out a HUGE set of negative interactions you will have with them. The next step is emotional independence. At some point as you

I got a great deal on a Lenovo laptop with a 4k touchscreen (from kinja deals!) and I expected to never use the touchscreen also. It seemed like a gimmick, and not really something I planned on using. Surprisingly though it has been great! Any time you aren’t doing a keyboard heavy task, it’s just as easy to scroll,

The truth is this sort of simple plan just flat out works. In this case the devil is not in the details, it’s in the execution. You started with a simple fact. How much should I be eating to neither gain nor lose weight? 2500 kcal/day. The next step is: How much less than that should I eat to lose 1lb/week? ~500 kcal.

You should probably have a drink to ease those worries...

This is great advice! Cashiers are usually bored as hell and you have to spend 2 minutes awkwardly not making eye contact anyway, so why not see if whatever comes to mind makes things more or less awkward! “Hey there, I see you have some gold stars around your name tag, nice job!” “Hey wouldn’t it be funny if the

Love love love. I just had a son and his name is Ness. ^_^

This is a tough one, there is nothing harder on your self-confidence than sitting at home all day trying to find a job. I had a 6 month job search, and even with an amazingly supportive spouse and family, I felt terrible about myself and my relationships suffered. The quote that got me through was “If you are going

I LOVE thinking about things in life as a pendulum. Always swinging back and forth. Sad that great times can slowly fade into mediocre times, but incredibly hopeful that the worst times will slowly get better. What I love to add to this analogy is that life is even more like a wave. There are highs and lows but you get

This is very true, but also nervewracking if you have a desirable skillset. As a software engineer over the course of 18 months I consistently get calls from recruiters and sometimes they turn into job offers with higher pay. Even then you have to balance what you have now against just chasing $$$. I usually try and