
Here’s a tip, use things for their intended purpose!

You are asking the right question. The key is to set financial goals. What do you want to do? Personally, I enjoy working, I enjoy not thinking about money every day, and I want to retire at 60. From this I created financial goals to maximize my income from work, and get to a point where my bill payments, savings, and

The last one is such a great way to tame the know-it-all tendencies. Being able to admit you are wrong, and realizing that hey, before I spit out some garbage maybe I should think for a second about if I actually know anything about the subject in question, is what really leads to minimizing the urge to come off as

For me, time worrying about finances is directly related to how close to the edge I am. When week in, week out was paycheck to paycheck, every decision was a financial one. Want to join a friend for a drink? Drive to a far away park? Relax instead of hustle? the stress of having to run a cost benefit on every decision

Yeah, if you ever go to Sweden, people are like “Oh hello kind sir, welcome to the glorious country of Sweden, I hope you will endeavor to embark on a tour of our gastronomical delights while you ponder the magnificence of our breathtaking scenery, and please excuse my terrible English, really it’s embarrassing how

I’m also very forgetful of interesting tidbits that I want to interject in a conversation, and I also know how interrupting can bring a conversation to a screeching halt. So, what to do? I try my best to repeat my witty (says me) comment in my head so I can remember it when there is an appropriate break. If I’m

It is good to try and keep your anxiety about your financial situation at a manageable level. Money doesn’t buy happiness, but it does pay to get rid of a lot of things that make us unhappy.

It’s a delicate balance isn’t it? Staying committed long enough to reach the kind of goals and achievements that bring real lasting happiness, while not getting bored with the often repetitive consistency it takes to get there.

Take frozen chicken drumsticks and potatoes camping with you. Cut up the potatoes, and put the potatoes and drumsticks in a foil pan and just cover them in seasoning. Any salty chicken seasoning will do, just put a lot of it in there, like half a shaker. Cover the pan in tin foil and put directly in the camp fire for

Sounds Grate! (sorry if that was cheesy (sorry again))

Thank you for this! Am looking into a mortgage now and hadn’t even realized there was a difference!

As you noted, a key is mindfulness. For me this is setting an intention for the conversation. The intention that works best for me, as the goal of a conversation, is to make the other person feel comfortable. This helps me focus on their conversation as well as other cues, and takes me out of myself and relieves me

This gets to the heart of why you are working. Are you working on your passion? for the money? To kill time? To meet other’s expectations? and yes, are you working for the prestige? Hopefully prestige is just a small part of why you do what you do, and you may be more productive working on something you really feel is

Agree 1000%. We meet all 4 criteria but got there by stressing out about it and sacrificing to meet our goals consistently. I still stress about it but to see that the steps we’ve taken have covered the basics is reassuring.

For me meditation is practice at paying attention to nothing. Why should we practice this? If you can find calm while paying attention to nothing, all of a sudden you can be calm when you have nothing to pay attention to! No more freaking out if your phone dies, or mindlessly flipping through channels, you can find

Growing up my Dad always forced us to eat dinner together. Every night it was set the table, eat with good manners, talk about your day, ask to be excused. As a little boy with ADD I always thought it was pointless and struggled to sit still and behave, but now as a grown up I realize how important it was in fostering

Interesting! Actually lined up very closely with my estimates as well. A little scary to see how much the life I want to live is tied to my salary, but good as a reality check.

“Because we have had low inflation for the last 30 years, in my opinion investors have gotten complacent.” Only having been alive for 30 years, I’ve seen low inflation, and rich people warning about inflation for my whole life. Hard not to be complacent about it when they cry wolf every month.

There are so many people out there for you to date, SO MANY, there’s literally like, billions. You don’t need to get stuck on thinking someone is the *one*. Date to figure out who you are, how you love and like to be loved. Sleep with anything that moves. Then, when you’ve calmed down a bit, find someone who is

It’s an interesting theory, but motivation works both ways. What if there is something in someone’s life that motivates them to drink Coke? If they didn’t realize they drank too many Cokes, tracking consumption could remedy that, but if they are motivated TO drink Coke (caffeine addiction, chronic fatigue, strong