
Here’s a study that points out that caffeine is a diuretic, but the minimum effective dose is about 300mg (2-3 cups of coffee). So when you drink one cup and have to pee? Pretty much the same as if you guzzled some water. Also the diuretic effect is much diminished in people who regularly consume caffeine. Source: http

Good tip in general but this can cut both ways! When I stop and think that laundry for the whole household takes hours and hours every week, I’m even more frustrated about having to start it up ><.

There are two types of things in my universe: things in my pockets and things that are lost.

Living alone in a dark apartment I bought a peace lily 4 years ago. I haven’t been able to kill it yet, and one year that I paid pretty good attention to it (water 3 times a week) I got a big ass flower! Good to know it also does a good job of cleaning the air too. Never feel more manly than when I’m watering my peace

This is always a tough one, my girlfriend, then fiancee, now wife has always had a high income, high spending lifestyle, which she supports by working her ass off. The downside is though she is very emotional about money issues, and so it is very difficult to discuss goals or plans around money. Kind of like: “I work

Your mom is a saint.

Empathy really is the key to either avoiding arguments, or even better, having successful arguments. If you have the self-awareness to understand what you are feeling, and the empathy and interest to understand what your partner is feeling, it becomes much more straightforward to work towards healing the hurt feelings

This is scary because I’m none of these things and just starting to work remotely!

Also what’s great is when you burst into tears from the soul-crushing loneliness, no one sees.

This is a funny one because there is a gap between what should motivate us and what actually does, even when we are successful. I should be motivated by a desire to help my customers have the best outcome, my ambition to climb to the top of corporate ladder, or by my company’s incentive plan. In reality I’m only

My favorite piece of advice in this article is to consult your family and friends. It is always amazing and humbling to learn that those closest to us often have a better perspective on our likes, dislikes and passions than we do. If you can approach a conversation with those who know you best with an open mind and

This is one I worry about. We have 2-3 months in liquid cash in an emergency fund, and I would feel comfortable with it being more like 6, but can’t seem to justify having that money sit around. Currently that fund just stays the same size and monthly savings go into investments. Emotionally I kind of see saw back and

A big thing for me is how you respond to a request for attention when you are on your phone. If your partner tries to reach out to you to get your attention and you ignore or brush them off, choosing your phone instead, that is always an ugly feeling. If you either respond positively or respond saying you need to pay

I looked through the Honey privacy statement, basically they collect all of everything you are browsing, and information on how you use their app with their third party partners. Unfortunately it’s basically trading your privacy for coupon codes =/. Still may be worth it for some, but seems a bit too sticky for me.

I would say IF has become a buzzword, and the hype around it has been inflated over the mild benefits. Much like any other fad diet, if you can be hungry for a while but not eat, you lose weight! It works for some people who just go hungry, but likely will result in poor long term weight loss like most fad diets. Now,

Unfortunately I think most of us feel pressure to prioritize work over home life, and leave too little in the tank for our home and family. The best strategy I’ve found is to set expectations at work. You can expect me to deliver quality work, on time. You can expect me not to be available outside of working hours.

Another onion and no tomato sauce I've been making recently is with milk & plum sauce. I sweat some onions in olive oil, remove from pan, add milk and a table spoon of plum sauce, and reduce. Re-add the onions to the reduced sauce and salt to taste. Comes out sweet, creamy and yummy!

Weddings are expensive! Ours cost 30k, even though we pushed to save on every item. . One money saving tip was to do some things ourselves. I made the centerpieces out of wood, and my wife bought the flowers wholesale and had her mom and her bridesmaids create the arrangements, my wife got the prints from the

This is great advice for coming just out of school. I started working at a startup just out of school, in two years was able to get a title that was way above my experience level (Principal Engineer), and THEN jump to a big corporation for a big pay raise. After 3 years working for the man, and frankly feeling like I

To add to the description of why quick chargers can only get the device to about half, it helps to look at the charging scheme for lithium-ion rechargeables. When a Li-Ion battery is near empty, the battery will accept high voltage and high current to quickly raise the operating voltage of the battery and increase