
Honestly, we see the same thing with cancer. A major risk factor for cancer is age, and age adjusted cancer risk really hasn’t changed much over the decades. There is more cancer now because people are living longer. But when people get cancer, they freak out (understandably) and want to find an exact reason for it.

As someone who was diagnosed with autism, I can say one thing vaccines don’t cause autism, but autism will cause anti-vaxxers. I wasn’t formally diagnosed until I was an adult but my mom has told me she regrets having me vaccinated because she always had a feeling. Outside of this we still have a strong family relation

It’s strictly a coincidence that the Polio vaccine innoculations and Ray Kroc’s aquisition of McDonald’s happened around the same period in time. Note that the number of reported cases of Polio dropped year by year as the number of McDonald’s outlets multiplied almost exponentially. So-called “scientists” and

“Hey, you notice what you don’t see nowadays? A ton of people with polio!”

“We’re not anti-vaxxers,” he told me. “We’re ex-vaxxers. If you could prove that there are safe vaccines, we’d take them. But they can’t.”

The Venn diagram of conspiracists like anti vaxxers, gun nuts, gmo truthers, QAnon etc is closer to a single circle. There is no reasoning with a supposed learned physician who states we should go back to “natural measles”.

It’s a double-edged sword because it also makes it easier for people to live in a bubble and only hear what they want to hear.

It’s absolutely amazing to me that living in a world where there has never been greater access to knowledge and scientific research is making so many people even more stupid and less educated than they would be without that access.

I am really hoping that Sen. Warren’s campaign is a slow burn, and that once the bloom is off the rose for some of these (white, male) candidates and their “novelty,” she will be able to emerge as a front runner. She is smart, competent, thoughtful, and incredibly progressive and that’s what I want in a president.

And to those who are defending it as generational: in the generation they are saying this comes from, you’d get FIRED for speaking up to your boss or male colleague for this. You can’t just speak up. Our mothers train us from birth that we need to seem a certain way and not rock the boat with men so that we can

The fact we are already being labeled enemies (in that we will deliver Trump a second term) for questioning the fitness of a candidate who hasn’t even ANNOUNCED yet is absurd. The primary is when we get to ask these questions. 

It is possible those women were conditioned not to speak out, or in cases of workplace issues, they literally couldn’t speak out because they could be fired for it. Like when I was a kid and my mom told me that old men get handsy but just move on so they don’t get mad. Well here we are: mom was right and they are mad

His hatred for Arabs would be disqualifying in normal circumstances, but here we are. 

“Yeah, you know what makes me feel gross and uneasy? A second Trump term.”

I feel like he’s more of a libertarian than a liberal.

I just finished watching last night’s episode and needed a place to vent about it!!

Bill Maher aside, I love all the liberal dudes who are basically saying if women don’t shut up about men getting handsy it will be their fault that Trump gets re-elected. Fellas, let us know when we’re allowed to have personal boundaries and conversations about consent, k!

Likelihood Bill Maher has creepily touched people, 99.999...%

Bill Maher has always been a skeevy perv who is a lot closer to Trump in this area than he’d ever dare to admit. 

I was an obnoxiously good kid, but my own kids have definitely made me feel like a tool in public. When my daughter was five, we were walking through whole foods and she spotted someone with Dwarfism stocking the shelves. She started shouting, “I found him! I found Rumpelstiltskin!! It’s Rumpelstiltskin!” I wanted.