Batwayne Bruceman

If they Separated the gachas for characters and weapons I’d probably go back to playing but I quit after 2 weeks of the last Beta over garbage rolls of crap weapons and never getting any characters... Let alone the ones I wanted. Multiplayer also takes way to much time to unlock.

Right. I’m aware.

I read a lot of different sites; they don't have to be this bad. I'm okay with ads. G/O media sites are some of the worst. They're worse than torrent sites ffs. 

No. But it’s ignorant to complain about another services ads...while not mentioning their own companies, considerably worse, ad policies.

Read other replies I’ve made. It’s about calling out your own company for AD bs and THEN complaining about others like Twitch.

They don’t have ‘a say’ but they can at least say something/write how much their own site ‘fucking sucks’ with ads in the same article they bemoan another for it.

Leadership already ignored the readers. Only the writers have any form of voice with them. Tbh, I’m not expecting Kotaku to change...I just think they’re better off not writing about Twitch ads when they write for something evenworse.

True. But to not look like an idiot they should at least be complaining about their own site, that they profit from, being worse than Twitch. They can even do it using the same editorial tools they use to...complain about Twitch.

But don't you want to join my newsletter? Seriously though, I'm with you. 

Unlock on PC. Never found anything that works on mobile that didn’t sap my phone battery with a running app.

I mean they could write an article about their own ads before complaining about others... Since thats all they can do at editorial...

Maybe write an article about how bad your own ads are then? 

Yeah. Kotaku writers need to load this site without an adblock before making any comments how any other service does ads.. Or whether it fucking sucks or not.

How does this compare to browsing kotaku without adblock on? The ads on this site are 1 step away from being the only actual content... 

Silent Hill games.

Wrong article? Lol

All they had to do was make you play Abby first (so reverse the halves of the game)and not make the ending angsty misery porn bullshit. The writer(s) clearly hated the characters and wanted to deconstruct the last game more than they wanted to tell a compelling narrative in an equally compelling way.

They still use fax machines. 

I’m thinking of the unnecessary camera pans (one is 30 seconds long), the cs, then open door, then cs section and 1/2 of Neros speech. I love when people know how to cheat skip CS it's so much faster. 

That was handled really badly back then. He’s a shit-heel but Hernandez handled her article and point very badly as a journalist. She’s with Vox Media now (as are most former Kotaku writers) and I was surprised to see the article linked from Polygon wasn’t written by her as a kind of follow-up.