Good work, FudgeX02, depicting these queens more accurately. There’s a dissonance between female bodies and strength that always bothers me in videogames and movies.
Good work, FudgeX02, depicting these queens more accurately. There’s a dissonance between female bodies and strength that always bothers me in videogames and movies.
Unpopular opinion (maybe?) and I’m just venting so it’s not even relevant, just ignore me, but man, I wish Ever Crisis was the remake and not a gacha mobile game. The look is absolutely stellar, and the combat is foundationally cool (but again, streamlined for mobile—could be iterated on well for an actual full game),…
I’d imagine the story will be Lev/Ellie.
I disagree, there are soooo many examples or terrible remasters and remakes. Games that dont know what things to streamline or improve and what should stay the same after so many years, or simply expecting the nostalgia to do all the work when many elements simply havent aged well
He’s “reacting” to it like it’s some random tiktok video BS - as opposed to watching a mass genocide taking place. He is de-humanzing an atrocity against civilians, turning it into “entertainment” and being flippant about it.
This entire list was just how to play assassins creed. Everything in this list, you just do normally anyways.
I know the “wish I knew before playing” thing is a useful phrase for clicks and whatnot, but aren’t these types of things usually reserved for things the game doesn’t tell you or new/different mechanics? Because this entire article is really just a bunch of tips for the rare person who has never played an Assassin’s…
It’s spelled “Cait Sith” but it’s pronounced “Throatwarbler Mangrove”
Hey Kenneth, if you don’t want people criticizing your avatar, maybe stop making it the focal point of every article you write. That or stop erasing people’s comments about it.
I enjoyed my time with it. I played in a high end PC and the only reoccurring issue I had was funny as hell.
not as fun as starting with a pistol and ending up with a rapid-fire acid grenade shotgun.
I actually liked Dinklage in Destiny
Yeah, I’m not entirely willing to blame Fox. They have voice directors for a reason. Someone had to sign off on this performance.
“They just have the absolute most insane expectations. They could have shipped through to literally half the PS5 global install base and still been disappointed.”
This. Absolutely this. The eternal “arrow must always go higher” mentality that forces astronomical goals is such a damn cancer that even games that are…
Small world. Steve Saylor was a teacher of mine in Humber College :B
This is damn good work. hopefully we see more of this in other games.
As someone said on Twitter, he got as close as he could to 100 without going over.
Sleepless is one of the all-time great X-Files episodes in my opinion.
Agreed. You can never go wrong with Tony Todd, doing the Tony Todd thing. Been a fan of his since the OG Candyman movie. I loved the episode of X-Files (“Sleepless”) he was in. It’s one of the most memorable for me.