You're going to split a hair over "had to" and "did"? Trump clearly designates the investigation as the reason he fired Comey in his conversation with the Russians.
You're going to split a hair over "had to" and "did"? Trump clearly designates the investigation as the reason he fired Comey in his conversation with the Russians.
I've noticed that as well.
Serious question: just how long can you actually sustain yourself on nothing but schadenfreude and hatred of the other side?
I'd like to think that there are a lot of people like my father-in-law who voted Trump not because they liked him but because they, somehow, hated Hillary more. Its those people that are tuning out of Fox News because Trump is such a constant obvious fuck-up that its just not worth listening to people twist…
Discouragement for any future leakers. Pretty basic.
I'm morbidly fascinated with the right-wing media personalities. I mean, they can't all be as stupid and gullible as they come off, because if they were most of them would starve to death forgetting to eat.
Yeah, but the liberals want to take our* money and give it to them**! That makes it okay.
I didn't say we weren't dominant now. The explosive growth of the middle class in the late 40s and early 1950s has more to do with the (possibly unprecedented?) industrial and economic expansion of the United States because of WWII.
I think you're skipping rather an important step in that historical progression there. WWII, its itinerant effect on the US economy and the following dominance of… well, virtually everything by the United States was a confluence of events that isn't represented right now.
^This, so much. Political discussion has always been a staple of the AVClub commentariat, so its not that big a stretch to start a series of political articles the same way they started "Supper Club." Even if it is a much bigger digression from the theoretical mission statement.
Nah, we're all noticing.
Hey, the rumors of your death banning were greatly exaggerated. Welcome back.
You really should do more than skim these articles.
I haven't seen it but yet, but I know the twist. I'm more annoyed that they're making the series into a backdoor Harry Potter prequel franchise.
The first one is for sure. The next two are no better than lazy afternoon films, Haven't seen the fourth.
Just because I get a little extra pedantic when I'm under the weather:
Not to mention how Anakin even knows about it at all.
I think I can agree with all that.
I'll give them 90% with Palpatine. The other 10%?
I think the idea was that they were blowing off Alien 3 and Resurrection. It'd have been a direct sequel to Cameron's film (which would be its own can of worms I'm not sure it'd be worth opening, but I digress).