I'm fully supportive of studios supporting shorts again. Every feature film should get two fewer trailers and put a short film in its place.
I'm fully supportive of studios supporting shorts again. Every feature film should get two fewer trailers and put a short film in its place.
That was an upvote for that masterful use of bracketry, not Supernatural-related. (I've never seen a full episode).
It can be two things.
A concert aimed mainly at teenagers was the target of a terrorist attack. Footage of children fleeing is pretty straightforward coverage of that, unless you have some more specific complaint about the clip(s) you saw.
There's definitely a place for honest debate (as you say, good luck with that), but I think the commercial angle is still the real impediment. That's what keeps them from just running a BBC Newshour style repeat of stories. Who actually sits around and watches multiple hours of news anyways?
I'd like to think that it represents a crisis of identity at CNN, where the people that actually want to do journalism are pushing back against the suits that just want eyeballs however its possible and this is somehow where it ends up, but its probably more likely they've all just given up.
You'll never see me defending Clinton's campaign choices, which were absolutely piss poor, nor the DNC's choice to push her as the Annointed One for over a decade. Not once in 18 months could they figure out a message besides "just look at our opponent!" Clinton and her campaign get the lion's share of the blame for…
I gotta tell you, it says something about our political climate that I actually thought this might be true at first.
I'd just be happy if they made those movies into horror films again instead of trying to make them into superhero films.
I'm mildly interested in seeing the new Mummy movie. I'm dying for someone to do a straight horror take on these old stories, but as an entertaining Tom Cruise action film, it doesn't look too bad.
Well, the press room is only so big, but I do agree with you in principle.
Unfortunately, most people in the arts (a fair number of people on this site) find Facebook an essential tool for promotion.
The AVClub has already done more accurate reporting and fact checking in this single article than InfoWars has ever done, and its a snarky entertainment site.
Man, I hated The Conjuring. Lazy, unmotivated storytelling covered up with hyperactive camera movement.
Probably not a bad fit.
Tell me which part of this is not accurate:
Because that's not the system that's in place. What you're looking for is a party-free system, where candidates simply run without benefit of any political organization.
Yeah, I know. I'm happy to jump on the actual alt-right trolls when they appear (if they haven't already been shouted down by six other people), but I think its equally important to call out the people I generally agree with when they're not being fair either.
I grant that the argument less strong in solidly red or blue states, but the concept remains the same, especially in this election. And your coin analogy is accurate, though even at half a vote, the third party votes more than outweigh Trump's margins in the swing states.
In some ways, that's kind of what we have now, just without the center parties. American democracy has a much bigger problem with gerrymandering and the primary system than it does with parties per se at the moment.