
I'll keep coming out of inertia more than anything else, at least for a while.

So WB is setting out to intentionally avoid any of the lessons they could have learned from Wonder Woman?

You're one hundred percent right about Carnivale and Deadwood and other shows HBO has done. But GoT has been the most expensive show on TV for a couple seasons now. Budget used to be a concern, but it no longer is. The studio was really pushing for two full seasons, and D&D didn't want to do them.

From everything I've read, and heard second hand from my own industry contacts, the cost has done anything but go down.

Yeah, it does.

You're crazy if you think the decision to shorten the season had anything to do with HBO as a studio. They would gladly have taken 50 more episodes over the 13 they're getting.

The point is it should be your call whether to let people read that draft with lazy characterization.

Because it wasn't for you to read? You judge people on the work they release, not the work that gets taken and handed out without their consent.

This article doesn't do a good job of much of anything, frankly. The entire thing is based on taking personal life actions and making that supersede the events of the art in question. And then ignoring the context both social and artistic of those same shows. It's the definition of a poorly thought out hot take.

[deep breath]

It's really not that tough if you follow movie box office trends. Not saying you can't get a surprise now and again, but its not much harder than setting a betting line on sports teams.

"Revealed" is a loose term. It was never spelled out. Most people who don't read Internet forums are maybe just beginning to catch on.

Wow. Totally different read on the Cersei/Jaime scene.

It really just goes to prove what we already knew- none of this shit is a conviction, for him, it's just a means of consolidating wealth and power.

The Mexican War. The Spanish American War.

That pathological hatred came about largely after the Civil War, though. Probabaly as a direct response to the South's defeat.

Common space, theee steps or not: underwear. It's not that big an imposition. Really.

Um, this might be a bridge too far.

I have neither the time nor patience to drag you into some semblance of reality.

It is if you don't have an address or verifiable source of income. The phone doesn't do any good without the service plan.