This. It's galling that the choices for cable news are bald-faced conservative-serving lies, well-supported but nonetheless liberal propaganda, and milqeutoast CNN, which confuses mindless arguing for intelligent debate.
This. It's galling that the choices for cable news are bald-faced conservative-serving lies, well-supported but nonetheless liberal propaganda, and milqeutoast CNN, which confuses mindless arguing for intelligent debate.
Maybe its just a matter of me not really understanding the gag.
The article from The Hill that I found had it at 75% among Trump voters, which is actually relatively low. So yes indeed, its somewhat encouraging.
Well, looks like I'm a few days out of touch. Last I checked, it hadn't made much progress, but it does indeed seem to be at a low being in the low 40s.
I think you're overlooking the fact that Trump's approval rating has not budged with his base one bit since he was elected. It doesn't matter what he does, he can do no wrong.
That is a legit concern nowadays. The brainwashing goes deep with the Fox News crowd.
Now THAT is the spot where Democrats would be wise to stand firm and say "No." I'm all about finding ways to work together, even with the bunch of idiots the GOP has put in power, but if he actually tries that… That's where the Dems get on the rooftops and scream about it. Make the bastards own that decision.
I really doubt Pence has done anything impeachable. He's got all the requisite GOP terrible ideas about how everyone else should live their lives, but he doesn't strike me as dumb enough to get his hands that dirty. I could be pleasantly surprised, but I'm pretty sure if Trump gets impeached (which is no sure thing…
Is there a single campaign promise Trump hasn't undermined or flipped on completely yet?
Try it on mobile. I feel like I've seen an option to unblock on mobile, but that might be my imagination.
Well done! I get looks like I grew a third eye when I tell people that I don't drink caffeine, but I'm so glad I did it.
The Visit is ok, but it requires you to swallow some VERY big gimmes, most notably that the mother doesn't communicate with her parents via at least phone before sending her barely teenage children off to them.
Unbreakable, Sixth Sense, Split, Signs, The Visit, The Village and a bunch of unwatchable crap.
Clearly I missed the last interview, by the Gorillaz guy actually said he was his own greatest inspiration?
"The Anthropomorphic Problem" is the single greatest thing he ever wrote.
Clearly that didn't happen. They still got Trump into office.
Yes. You're on a site called The AVClub. It's kind of the point of the place.
Completely irrelevant arguments all. First, neither my comment nor the OP could be constituted a "freak out". Secondly, it's specifically a discussion of the faithfulness to its source material.
Had to Cry Today gets so little respect it's criminal. All his Blund Faith work, actually. Presence of the Lord is another sneakily badass little song.
It also barely counts as a solo, since it's pretty much just constant licks.