Actually, no. I have plenty of issues with how Maher prosecutes his liberalism. Some different with yours and some along the same lines.
Actually, no. I have plenty of issues with how Maher prosecutes his liberalism. Some different with yours and some along the same lines.
Yep. An even playing field isn't too much to ask for.
Dude, open a science book instead.
Don't forget the microwave, Kellyanne!
Thus explaining the popularity of Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh, and Donald fucking Trump.
No, a conspiracy theorist is someone that doesnt need reason or logic to be a factor when trying to understand how events unfold.
Well, you did include Jewish as another descriptor in your otherwise entirely negative description, so it's kind of hard to see how you're not lumping that attribute in with his failings as well.
He's still on TV? Thanks, Trump.
The way reporters fell all over themselves to praise that MOAB drop was utterly disgusting.
If you're going to eat the animal you kill, I don't really have a problem with hunting, but I will draw the line at calling it a sport.
As you should be.
Its because he's a void of personality. To be truly successful on morning shows, you need to be as bland and inoffensive as possible, so that you can appeal to the largest audience possible. Too much personality, and people start to form opinions of you.
Don't worry. Even as a pretty solid liberal, I find Samantha Bee pretty annoying. She's the embodiment of the liberal purity testing that gets us absolutely nowhere.
Do reality TV stars count? Because I can't watch more than 90 seconds of any of those godforsaken Real Housewives before I have to walk out of the room.
YMMW, but I would say no. I don't believe in the current liberal concept that "giving someone a platform" is the same as supporting the ideas they espouse. Other people seemed mad that Maher didn't literally harangue and browbeat Milo over his statements for the entire 15 minutes.
He is not good at calling baseball. He couldn't ruin a Cubs World Series for me, but he sure as hell tried.
I'm not sure where this idea comes from. His main point is that liberals make a lot of allowances for Muslim beliefs that far outstrip anything they'd even consider tolerating from American Christians.
Oh dear god. I just realized that unless he ends up in jail, he's going to be a go-to pundit for the rest of his miserable life. There's no way he shrinks back quietly like every other president.
How the fuck that man calls both the World Series and the Super Bowl is beyond me, when he clearly has no useful insights into either sport.
Don't feed the trolls (note that both his comments are in this thread).