I'll see your Ellen and raise you an Oprah, who is all of the things you mention, combined with self-centeredness so vast she can't even try to hide it.
I'll see your Ellen and raise you an Oprah, who is all of the things you mention, combined with self-centeredness so vast she can't even try to hide it.
Kingston gets my vote. He was on the night that first immigration order came out, and I damn near threw something through my TV, which I normally care for like a sick child.
He also doesn't pull the bullshit stunts like Maddow with her taxes.
Jeffery Lord is a good choice.
Yknow what, GRRM might not be our "bitch", but he does seem to revel in making a lot of appearances and public statements all the whole talking about how he's really, seriously, definitely writing that next book, which probably won't sprawl out enough to necessitate an eighth book. Probably.
Love that movie.
I'd say no. I'm not in a McDonald's often, but I rarely wait more than a couple minutes when I do order something. (Usually breakfast).
"Donald Trump, trailing badly in the polls"
The surprise is that Jones thinks he has any justification for trying to keep custody when he spends his entire life "acting" like a crazy person.
I think they explain that it wasn't always that way.
It's amazing Nynaeve was able to tug her braid that much, with all the crossing of her arms in front of her breasts she did. I guess it was a long braid.
If they can find a way to excise large chunks of the middle (say books 7-10 or so) it could be worth watching.
I listened to him on the Joe Rogan podcast. "Admires" is a strong word. "Respects" might be closer. Adams is definitely not a Trump supporter, or at least wasn't when the interview was recorded.
Clearly it does. Scott Adams may be an asshat in general, but he's totally right about Trump.
Which probably has a lot more to do with what sounds better, linguistically speaking. "Girl" is one syllable, "woman" is two.
How his style* is going to work within this world I really don't know.
Rush can't keep dodging the bullets forever, can he?
Yes, but the important distinction in Trumps case is that he is the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.
Silly us, we thought it being blatantly obvious would keep people from voting for him.
These have to be the same people that use quotation marks for denoting emphasis.