
True 'dat! I have a 5 year old 30GB Apple brand iPod and I could get it to sync up to third party apps but never to get the video to work properly. Then again, I've used the video function exactly zero times since buying a PSP so once I move to my next PC it may be time to drop iTunes entirely.

Dude, what? The company I work for trusts many of its servers to run on Linux. I run Linux as my primary OS at home. I have developer friends who use it daily. Oh do you have an Android phone? That's Linux too!

Exactly my point! Plus if you have older hardware an XFCE based Linux distro like Xubuntu or even Ubuntu Netbook is a much better use of your time.

I bought my then-girlfriend now wife a DS for Christmas two years ago. I thought she was going to make love to me on the spot for giving it to her. Of course, I also married a nerd (which is awesome) so that might be the reason.

Now playing

Raid? Dude, you need something stronger.

Quite frankly, I think making a Hackintosh out of a laptop (Hackbook?) is really counter productive. As Adam stated, most everything won't work properly and you'll end up with a system that isn't a Mac.

While I have no interest in a smartphone or even these features, I don't know that I would go that far. I do wish people would put the smartphone down when eating dinner at least. Didn't their mothers tell them no toys at the table?

I've just given MATE a try and let me tell you, it might give me a reason to upgrade from Mint 9! Unity was utter GARBAGE and Gnome 3 seems hell bent on destroying the experience of Linux.

Maybe about the same time that women starting shaving downstairs.

I guess I'm lucky. I married a woman who is half girly girl and half nerdy chick. I think she's gorgeous and at the same time find her to me the most intelligent person I know.

I'm lucky my wife doesn't mind that I'm a man and not a little hairless boy.

Indeed. Jamestown is excellent and can be had for whatever you want to pay.

Awesome! My wife marched down the isle to the waltz from Howl.

You die!!! Or you just do what Velma used to do and crawl around on your hands and knees.

I use cheaper cables from ALWAYS!

Bacon is indeed delicious but this man has way too much time on his hands.

Nope, video game fans aren't pathetic losers with no sense of decency.

Kaiju Fans have seen a common enemy and are prepared to join your alliance.

When people say "we need to be more progressive" I used to say, "I'm sorry, I'm a Conservative" but since politics and work shouldn't mix I now say "No, I saved more money with Geico."

I still find it amusing that I work in IT and exactly zero members of our department own a smart (stupid) phone. Yet people in customer service, sales, accounting, etc. all live and die by theirs. Maybe we're just teched out.