Without searching I do know the most beautiful woman in America is my wife. ;)
Without searching I do know the most beautiful woman in America is my wife. ;)
What's interesting is many retailers already get around this by giving you a "discount" for paying cash. Many gas stations here in Massachusetts have been doing this for a while.
Yawn! Pretty typical scaremongering from the self-hating vegan crowd. The fact that it comes from the New York Slimes is another sign that it's pretty safe to discredit the article.
Me either. I'm an IT guy by trade and yet I really prefer to have stuff written down. It just makes my life more organized. Plus there's no data plan, dead zones or other technical glitches.
The Critic is ALWAYS relevant!
Yeah that's what I've done for years.
If you stop GOING to bad movies, they'll stop MAKING bad movies.
Heh, yes! It's not even fair when you compare today to 1926 or 1939 but 1984 isn't all that long ago!
I hope you never need to put a CD in ...
Now if I could just get these inside my Moleskine! Though, I suppose I could just DIY my next one and save myself $12
The majority of cases of contamination and recalls in ground beef has been in the pre-frozen patties. By grinding your own (which I do in a food processor because I refuse to buy another kitchen gadget at this point) you can know what's in your meat and know that your chances of food born illnesses are lowered without…
Not sure if kidding or you didn't get the joke.
Aww, Just five more minutes, Goku!
I gave up buying comic books years ago since I think that most modern ones are crap (e.g. anything from Marvel or DC) but I do have a couple of boxes filled with Disney, Ninja High School, Urusei Yatsura and other great comics of my youth. The cardboard boxes really aren't holding up.
Yeah I'm in IT. The media told me while I was in high school and college that IT was about playing with toys at your desk and coming to work all casual and stuff. Instead it's more like Office Space.
I guess I'm lucky as neither my feet nor my shoes stink. Then again, maybe it's because I wear good socks.
I look at clothes like I look at shoes. As a dude, I feel I am only obliged to own three pairs of shoes: 1 black dress pair for work, 1 pair of sneakers (black Converse oxfords) and a pair of boots.
I'm in IT so I know there are some jobs that have to be done when users are at home or would cause a disruption in necessary business functions like phones.
Okay, recently my wife and I just bought a house. We're actually in the process of moving in. The previous owners, I'm afraid were the kings of the cob job. :-/ We had some things come up in inspection that were remediated but now that we're in the house, other things are inevitably showing up.