If you don't have a pocket knife with you at all times, please turn in your man card.
If you don't have a pocket knife with you at all times, please turn in your man card.
Not sure I'd go for this but instead of buying corn flakes you can just eat popcorn with milk and sugar.
@Jiph Bottson: You don't know Q-Bert? GTFO my internet and play the original Gottleib arcade game and then play the pinball machine.
@Rachel Fogg: Yeah but Alanis Morrisette went down on Joey in the back of a theater and had to tell everyone about it in song.
Fun fact: 97% of the dev time was spent on virtual tits. In fact they brought in people JUST to study real breasts in comparison to the virtual ones.
Biggest dudebro game of 2011 maybe. Sure it will sell ten billion copies but it's just another brown-grey shooter.
I don't want to give Obama my cell-phone number. He'll be calling looking to play golf when he knows he should be working. Or his nasty wife will probably call and bitch me out for eating some Doritos.
Living rural is alright, although I'd rather live in a small town. The Simple Dollar has a bad habit of defining his sole experience as the situation for everyone. Also, I have a feeling that he just pulls stuff out of his rear end a lot.
@TendoMentis: Indeed. He also assumes that you'll be getting good resale on your cars when in reality you might not. Plus throw in the unexpected and while it's a nice classroom discussion, it doesn't always work in the real world.
Okay I'll share what little advice I have.
Hmm, I'm thinking Peach has had some work done upstairs ...
Ubuntu has always been good to me. Why would they force this horrid UNITY bar crap on me? WHY???!!!!
Or, ya know you could do what I did and aggressively pay off your loan in two years (on a 25 year loan) like I did. I see friends and acquaintances jet setting all over the globe and then complaining about their student loans.
@Bastard11: I'm with Thomas Paine over Edmund Burke on this. A hereditary monarchy is the most ridiculous and idiotic thing on earth. Great Britain would be good to exile or strip the royals and all the so-called "nobles" of all wealth, titles and status.
Well, I think the Royals themselves would be more like zombies after all these generations of inbreeding. I mean Little Willie's slack jawed mouth breathing pose in every picture he's in should give away that there's not exactly a great pedigree there.
@GunFlame: opened the chest...the chest is empty: The problem is that burlesque was never something classy. It was always the seedy underground crap of its day. Vaudeville wasn't high class by any means but burlesque was worse.
It's not confusing at all. Amazon sells download codes for the PSN.
But if I get rid of all the trash cans my fiancee will throw her garbage on the floor. ;)
Boy, I'm glad I buy all my PSN games through Amazon. Still, I'll be vigilant on my CC just in case.
@jennifer32: BJ's also has great quality pork and beef although their chicken is usually just the frozen stuff.