I don't think a perfect Sonic game exists. I went back recently and played Sonic 1-3 and they are all flawed.
I don't think a perfect Sonic game exists. I went back recently and played Sonic 1-3 and they are all flawed.
@beaker: Whey 2 Gogh!
Since people are crying Fursecution let's play Good Idea - Bad Idea
True story here:
Yeah, I'm across the border now in New York and I tell you I don't know what's worse: RomneyCare and Devil Patrick or Andy "only doing it to run for President" Cuomo, high taxes and the state being held captive by the CSEA union thugs.
Boston Puritans? Why not the Troy Trojans?
Mine was a white grid on a blue background. My brother had a tiger on his. They were effing RAD!
Honestly, the casual notion of "let's just get these peons to pay their taxes" attitude of many state governments (New York comes to mind) is one of the things that causes thousands of residents to move to states without super high sales tax or to purchase their goods in another state. Massachusetts has no sales tax…
Gaffer's Tape is great stuff. It sticks when you want it to and then comes off clean. That reminds me, I need to get a new roll of it. Too bad it's so bloody expensive!
Well since most of my flour is of one brand I'm okay. During the big flour sales at Christmas and Easter time I will give in and buy Gold Medal Unbleached AP.
I like to use mason jars for certain items. Popcorn, for example, is one item that I buy in a plastic bag that has no chance of ever being resealed and while I have no doubt that the kernels won't go stale, they will inevitably spill all over the place. This also applies to other such items like M&M's, nuts etc.
@AmphetamineCrown: We had ants and mice really bad as a kid and my mom got into the habit of sealing up anything they could get into. Mice can't chew through Tupperware.
I actually am running Ethernet to my PC. Wireless is too slow.
The best way for your guests to use your internet is to have stupid neighbors who leave their Wi-Fi wide open. Maybe I'm a bad host but I don't let anyone use my Wi-Fi. If I have guests over I don't want them to be zipping around on their iPenileReplacements or their laptops; I'd rather they spend time having fun away…
@urfe: I agree with that but I'd add Cel-Shaded cartoons to that as well. I think that's why I really liked Wind Waker's art style so much better that the "realistic" Link that everyone seems to want.
@d4rk-h4x0rer: Human beings look weird naked. That's why shame was invented.
"Aihara's debut features her in a blue evening game, similar to the one she wore in the game."
That kid really doesn't want to be the very best, like no one ever was.
Just don't cream your jeans. That's an entirely different idea.
But what if you're envious of people with cushy state jobs who do nothing all day and make twice your income?